Chapter sixteen: Quidditch Games and Early Mornings

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A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I have been getting really busy lately, first of all, I just had recital which was very stressful, and I'm sorry to say that I don't think I will be able to write any more this month. Nationals is this upcoming week, so we had extra practices every day, and I am completely sorry! I am way in over my head at the moment. I realized I missed a couple of very important parts in the movie and book, First of all I forgot the whole quidditch world cup attack thing where they met Cedric and found out Voldemort was back, which was completely my bad, so I'm going to do it this chapter although I realized that Viktor is already at Hogwarts but we're going to pretend that he is also playing quidditch and the Diggorys, and the Weasley's including Hermione and Harry are going too. Plus we needed more Cedric in this book! Anyways hope you guys enjoy!



"Hey Dad! where are we going!?" Ron shouted to Mr. Weasley.

"Keep up!" He said back in return. Ron just grumbled and yawned while rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He was still a little bit grumpy that he had to be woken this morning. 

"Hermione Come on!" Ginny shouted at me. 

"I'm coming Ginny!!" I shouted back at her trying to catch up with the Weasley's, Harry, Cedric and Mr Diggory. We were going to the Quidditch World Cup To watch the Irish and the Bulgarians Honestly, I wasn't really Into quidditch but Harry and Ron dragged me into it. We were going with Cedric and his dad and we were currently walking up a steep hill. I honestly feel like my legs are going to fall off!

"Yeah Hermione Don't be a slowpoke!" One of the twins shouted. I glared at them. It happened to be George. Ugh I swear they get on my nerves!

"Yeah, you don't want to be the rotten egg do you!?" Fred said cheekily and started running up the up the hill. 

"Hey! I'm not a rotten egg!!" I shouted annoyed at him. 

"You will be if you continue to walk at that pace!" He smirked as he passed me up already halfway up the hill. 

"Hey! Come back here!" I yelled at him and started sprinting. I almost caught up with Fred when Unfortunately for Ron, he tripped over Fred who basically plowed him over and tumbled down the hill landing at the bottom. 

"WHAT THE BLOODY HECK WAS THAT FOR!?" Ron shouted from the bottom of the hill, clearly mad that he had to walk up it again seeing as he was already exhausted from walking halfway up the hill and now he had to do it again. Fred ran up the rest of the way and turned around facing Ron. 

"Whoops?" He said grinning. Ron just grumbled and started walking up the hill. By the time I got there Harry, Mr. Weasley, Cedric, George, Ginny, and Cedric's dad were all at the top waiting for us. Panting, I finally made it to the top, almost feeling like I was going to fall over when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind me. 

"Told you, you were going to be the rotten egg." They said whispering in my ear. I'm guessing it was Fred. We've been dating for a week now. He's been pulling a lot of pranks on me lately, Like  yesterday morning I went to go brush my teeth but instead of there being toothpaste inside of my toothpaste there was mayonnaise (A/N: Not sure if they know what that is but we're just gonna pretend they do!) It was absolutely disgusting! 

"Oh shut up, and besides, technically I'm not the last one, Ron is, so really he's the rotten egg." I told him with a smirk. And as if on cue, Ron came up the hill Wheezing, looking like he had just died. He then face-planted to the ground with exhaustion, which caused Ginny and George to start cackling while Harry went and helped Ron up. I couldn't help but let out a snicker and Fred snorted at the scene before him. Even Cedric chuckled a little. 

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