Chapter Six: Dates and Tears

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A/N: Hey guys! I had no clue what to do for the chapter title at all and I'm extremely exhausted from staying up until 2 in the morning for three days to finish homework and update chapters. Also, I'm really in the mood for chocolate, Is anybody else? 



It's been a few weeks and everything between Fred and I has been awkward ever since the first task where I accidentally kissed him. Although, now I'm not really sure what I think of Fred anymore. He used to be one of my really good friends but then ever since I started hanging out with him I get butterflies every time I'm around him. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I know for a fact I definitely messed everything up between us and it's all my fault. How stupid can I be?

 Frustrated, I slammed my books on the table next to Harry and Ron. Ron had finally put on his big boy pants and apologized to Harry for accusing him of betraying him, fortunately for him he was forgiven, however, I am still a little salty about it so I haven't forgiven him yet. 

Professor Dumbledore told us that there was going to be a Yule Ball or something and everyone had to have a date. Apparently, we had to have dance lessons which I wasn't looking forward to at all. After we had been dismissed from class, Harry, Ron, and I went to the ballroom where Professor McGonagall was waiting for us and separated everyone. Girls with girls and boys with boys then started showing us some steps that looked super complicated. 

Yeah, I think I'm just gonna skip the ball and go to the library, perhaps do any homework that's due next week.  I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard McGonagall tell someone to place their hands on her waist, causing me to look over and see Ron next to her panicking trying to find a way out of it.

 "Where?!" He asked in hopes he heard her wrong. 

"My Waist Mr. Weasley." Ron just frantically looked around giving anyone who was starting to giggle a little, a cold glare which caused a bunch of snickers to break out across the room. I just rolled my eyes at how ridiculous Ron was being. Honestly, Ronald how hard is it to just put your hands on her waist, and continue on with the lesson?

 I then turned my head to find Harry, when I saw him next to the twins. Oh, joy. I saw them laughing at Ron who in return shot them a glare. I turned my gaze to Fred and started to stare at him, but only to soon realized he was already staring at me. I quickly looked away from him and looked at the floor. I notice that his usual smile turned into a frown. Did I break Fred Weasley? 

-------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------


Everyone was sitting down in the Great Hall scribbling furiously to finish their homework and hurry up and get out of there since Snape was on watch. If you haven't noticed, a lot of students are terrified of him, although I'm not one of them. I saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione all sitting together trying to get their work done. Well, at least Hermione was Harry and Ron kept talking, I could see Snape throw them a glare every now and then for it.

 My thoughts drifted back to one person. Hermione. She's been avoiding me ever since what happened at the first task. Everything between us has just become well, awkward. I was dying to try and talk to her about it, although I doubt that she would want to. She would probably just ignore me or walk away. It's weird, ever since Ron and Harry's argument, we've gotten closer. 

I knew the moment right after Ron slapped her that he had made a big mistake. I thought she would tell him off after he did that since she's usually the one to put him in his place, but instead, a tear rolled down her cheek and she ran out of the room. After she had left I yelled at Ron, I wanted to strangle him but George held me back preventing me from getting at him. I was furious that he would do that to his best friend. Hermione never wanted to be in the middle of their argument, they both know how she hates choosing sides. It wasn't fair. 

My first instinct that came to mind after wanting to strangle Ron, was to find Hermione and make sure that she was okay. When I found her, I saw that her face was blank. I knew she wanted to burst into tears any minute, so I wrapped my arms around her. I felt guilty, even though I didn't do it, I still felt bad. She started to break down in my arms, which was unexcepted. Hermione rarely EVER cried, so for her to be sobbing the life out of herself was really worrying me. I then gently started rocking her back and forth rubbing her back, trying to calm her down and reassure her that everything was going to be okay. 

Ever since that whole thing happened, I started to feel something towards her but I didn't know what. My thoughts then drifted to the Yule ball. Dumbledore said that we needed a date to take with us and seeing that I was one of the champions I needed to find one fast. I wonder who I should take. I could hear Ron talking really loudly over to the table next to him, rambling on about some nonsense. I saw Snape coming up behind him, shoving his head down into his textbook. I would've started laughing seeing as how funny it was, but then I thought that I might get in trouble so I decided against it.

 I then got out a piece of parchment and scribbled down a note to Ron. I crumpled it up, carefully aimed it at Ron, and threw it at him. The crumpled parchment hit Ron in the head, making him look up startled, and looking around all confused as to where it had come from, causing me to snicker. I guess I accidentally snickered too loud because he then whipped his head around and shot daggers at me clearly a little mad. I pointed towards the crumpled parchment next to him as if to tell him to open it. It said to get a move on before all the good ones were taken otherwise he would be stuck with whoever was left since  I'm guessing he didn't already have a date because he's Ron. He doesn't do anything until the last minute. 

I saw him turn towards Hermione and started making conversation with her but I guess he made a bad choice of words considering Hermione's face scrunched up from what he said. Not to mention the fact that Harry started to hit him in the arm as if to tell him to shut up before he messed up big time, and to warn him that Snape was coming their way but I guess it was too late. Snape came over and smacked all three of them in the head with his book in his hand. Hermione then glared at Ron, obviously still mad at him for what he had said earlier.

 Slamming her books shut, she started getting ready to leave when Ron sent me a piece of parchment asking who I was going with. Well, shit. I looked around the room trying to figure out who I should ask when my gaze landed on Hermione as she was gathering her things. Maybe this was my chance to fix everything between us. I then threw the parchment that Ron and I had been writing on and hit Hermione on the shoulder. She quickly turned to look in the direction that it came from, then looked at me. 

"What?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

 I mouthed to her while gesturing. Do you I pointed to her Want to go to the ball  I started moving my arms, trying my best to make a dancing gesture. With me? I finished, pointing to myself. She looked shocked at what I had just asked her then she replied with "Yeah.... yeah sure." I could see her smiling a little bit which caused me to smirk.

 This was my chance to fix whatever was going on between us, so I better not mess this up. I turned towards Ron and winked at him but noticed that he had become a really ugly shade of red. I could see under the table his hands were balled up in tight fists. What's his deal? 

After Hermione got up and left, he looked like he was about to explode. He started talking to Harry loudly which earned an annoyed huff from Snape. I watched as he rolled up his sleeves, walked over to them, and banged their heads down and in return, both of the boys groaned in pain. Not less than a few seconds later Ron got up and started going after Hermione. I then got up and started following him wondering what stupid thing he was gonna do. I turned down the hallway to find Ron yelling at Hermione, who looked like she had had about enough of his complaining. 

"Why would you go to the ball with him!?" He shouted at her. Seriously Ron, are we going to have a replay of what happened last time?

"I can go to the ball with whoever I want, you're not in charge of me! I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions!" Hermione yelled back at Ron. Not gonna lie, I was pretty fed up with Ron too at this point. He was starting to get on my nerves.

"Forget it, I don't care. Enjoy going to the yule ball with Fred!" And with that, he stomped off throwing another fit. Hermione looked hurt so I ran over to her and quickly wrapped my arms around her. I gently combed my fingers through her hair while her head was buried into my shoulder trying to muffle her sobs. I kinda got a feeling of Deja Vu (A/N: DO YOU GET DEJA VU HUH?) as I hugged her, telling her everything was going to be okay and to just ignore that git brother of mine. I'm so going to kill him after this. 

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