Chapter Three: What Did You Say?

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A/n: Hey guys! This is going to be chapter three! So this chapter we are going to see Fed's pov and a couple of Hermione's. I just ate chocolate muffins and I'm ready to go! This chapter might be a little long because I'm going to get into the names and stuff for the goblet of fire, lol also I'm just lazy so if I have any spelling issues I am sorry in advance! Anyway on to the third chapter! :)



I smirked as soon as I heard Professor Dumbledore say that only the students under 16 were forbidden to enter. Well, this is going to be one exciting year. I turned my gaze to George who was already smirking in my direction. Obviously, I knew exactly what he was thinking since we are twins after all. We were getting ready for our biggest prank of the year, which was going to be wicked by the way. Now that we are eligible to enter the Triwizard Tournament we were going to have to pause our amazing prank idea and figure out how to enter the cup. I'm pretty sure everyone here would be happy to know that the biggest pranksters at Hogwarts are taking a break since that never usually happens. Although Hermione usually is the one to tell us off about pranking younger students, she needs to live a little. I can't be the only fun one around here. 

Speaking of Hermione, I turned my head to look around the table and there she was. I'm going to be completely honest with you when I say it looked like she just woke up out of a dumpster. For one she had huge bags under her eyes which let me say is not very attractive, but I guess she didn't get a lot of sleep last night, according to Ginny. Second, she looked like she could fall asleep at any moment, which honestly I probably could too with all of Dumbledore's talking, not that I'm not interested, I'd rather be doing other things.

 As I was studying Hermione, Dumbledore dismissed us from the Great Hall, saying we could have the rest of the day off since we would begin the pulling of names for the Triwizard Cup later tonight. I could hear Ron grumbling something about him not being able to eat his bloody food and how he had been waiting all day or whatever. I was about to stand up with George and start heading back to the common room when I noticed that as Hermione started to stand up, she tripped over her foot and was about to fall face-first to the floor. She yelped as she started falling, just as she was about to hit the floor, I reached out my arm, wrapping it around her waist just in time to catch her. 

"Well hello there love, nice to see you falling for me already." I exclaimed jokingly as a small playful smirk began to form on my lips. I knew that she hated when George and I tease her about that kind of stuff which made it all the better.

"Seriously Fred?" She said as she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed which made me smirk even more. 

"Why of course love! I knew you loved me but I didn't know you loved me that much." I teased with my arms still wrapped around her waist. By now a few people were already looking our way due to the big scene I was making, I knew that Hermione would start to get embarrassed so why not make it even more dramatic? 

"You can let me go now Fred, I know how to stand." She stated clearly annoyed with me as she started to look around the Great Hall to notice multiple students staring directly at us. 

"Nah I'd rather not." I grinned as I pulled her closer to me. I noticed her cheeks starting to turn as red as a tomato, she pushed me away and started to gather her things, walking out of the Great Hall. 

"See you later Love!" I yelled knowing that I have successfully embarrassed her. She turned around and shot me a deadly look, then whipped her head back around and continued to exit the Great Hall. I smiled to myself as I walked out with George and headed to the common room to come up with a perfect prank idea.

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