Chapter Eight: Dresses and Presents

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A/N: Hey guys so the Yule Ball is going to be next chapter. I have been waiting for my Hogwarts letter for years, I think there was a mistake and it got mixed up with another person's or something. Anyways here is chapter eight, I can't believe I've already made eight chapters! I hope you enjoy



Ginny dragged both me and Luna to Hogsmeade. I was more concerned that we were missing classes since I had now just broken my perfect attendance record. Ginny finally let us go in front of a dress shop looking super excited. Luna looked excited too, while I really wanted to leave. Shopping really wasn't my thing if you hadn't noticed. 

"Come on Hermione" Ginny whined since I refused to go shopping. It was usually so boring but I guess I'll have to suck it up because what else am I supposed to wear to the Yule Ball? 

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I laughed a little at Ginny's whining as Luna, Ginny, and I entered the shop. I'm not going to lie when I say I saw so many beautiful dresses. Ginny just squealed and ran around the store excitedly looking for a dress. Luna went off somewhere too so that just left me to go look myself. 

Ginny came back to me with a whole bunch of dresses, I literally thought she was carrying the whole entire store. Well, she wasn't really carrying them she had them all stacked up like the leaning tower of Pisa in her arms and every time she would walk she would drop one like she was leaving them behind so she could find her way back. It was quite entertaining. 

Ginny made me try on a couple of the dresses she had in her pile. I tried to argue with her about it but she refused and made me try them on anyway. I didn't like the first couple of dresses, they were okay but they weren't me. I only had one dress left that Ginny gave me. I tried it on, and walk out to show Ginny and Luna. When they saw me their jaws dropped to the floor

"What?" I questioned. They were both looking at me in shock. Do I really look that ugly in it?

"Does it really look that bad?" I said starting to get worried.

"No, it's quite the opposite actually." Luna started not taking her eyes off it.

"It's the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my life!" Ginny exclaimed while she and Luna ran over. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Look in the mirror Mione!" Luna told me. I looked in the mirror to see that they were right, It was gorgeous! It was a gold floor-length dress that had some white accents here in there. It really was beautiful. 

"I love it, but it's probably really expensive." I told them sadly as I started heading back to the dressing rooms. 

"Nonsense, we're getting it no matter what you say." Ginny said as she and Luna had already picked out their dresses and accessories. Geez, they were fast. We hurried up and paid for our things and ran out of the doors. The ball was in about five hours and there was still so much to do. Ginny, Luna, and I got ready together so we could help with each other's makeup and hair, and everything else. Ginny was just exploding with excitement. I was nervous. I was the date of one of the champions, what if I messed everything up? Suddenly a knock on the door startled me pulling me out of my thoughts. I wonder who it could be. 

"Hermione could you get the door!" Ginny yelled to me. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm on my way." I grumbled from the couch and got up to open the door to find Fred. 

"Fred?" I questioned, completely bewildered. 

"Hello love." He replied giving me a bright smile while leaning on the door frame. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Well, I was walking by and thought that I could drop something off for you before the ball." 

"What do you mean drop something off?" I asked him curiously. He then took something out of his pocket and held it out to me. it was a box. 

"What is it?" I wonder if this is one of his pranks or something. 

"Open it and you'll find out." He said as he gave me a cheeky smile. I lifted an eyebrow at him, then looked down at the box. I opened it slowly just in case he was up to no good and lifted off the lid. It revealed the most beautiful golden necklace I have ever seen, causing me to gasp.

"What is this?" I asked as I could feel the excitement rushing up to me. 

"I thought that you would need something to wear to match your dress." 

"Wait how did you know what color my dress was?" 

"A little birdy happened to tell me." He told me smugly. Must've been Ginny.  Honestly, I was a little thankful that she told him because it happened to be beautiful. It looked really expensive, I couldn't possibly take something like this.

"This looks really expensive Fred, you didn't have to get me anything." I told him. I felt a little guilty. Did he actually buy this for me? 

"I know, but I wanted to." He replied while looking into my eyes. 

"I-I can't take this Fred. Why would you waste your money on me?" I asked. I can't believe Fred would buy me something so expensive.

"Yes you can Mione, It's not wasting money if someone as beautiful as you is going to wear it." He told me softly. I think my heart just skipped a beat and my stomach dropped to the floor. Wait. Am I falling for Fred? I blushed and turned away so he couldn't see, but he smirked and placed his fingers under my chin, and turned my head towards him. 

"Keep it." He whispered in my ear. He then walked out but before he left, he turned around and winked at me. Ginny then ran up to me squealing. 

"Oh My Gosh! My Brother just Bought You a very expensive Present!" I rolled my eyes at her for being overdramatic. I do not know how much more of this I could take.

"Calm down Ginny, come on we have to get ready!" I laughed and with that, we both ran to find our dresses and everything to get ready. 


A/N: I promise that the Yule Ball is going to be next chapter, I would like to try and update this book twice today to make up for the fact that I haven't updated for about five days which I am really sorry about. I have also updated and changed the title of this book so now it is called Falling For A Weasley, Anyways Love you all!

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