Chapter Twelve: Second Tasks and Chosen Ones

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is going to be about the second task like I promised! I have to go get an MRI today for my finger and I'm super nervous! Wish me luck! Anyways here is chapter twelve!!



Fred was in the hospital for a week. He was getting better which I was really happy about. But I was also starting to worry because the second task was coming nearer. What if he wasn't okay by then? All different types of scenarios went through my head. I headed to the hospital wing to see if Fred was doing okay. He was worse than Ron. Ron was already out of the hospital and we have been avoiding him since then. 

"Hey Fred." I said tiredly and plopped down into a chair next to him. 

"Hey Mione. You look tired." He said concerned. I waved him off. 

"I'm fine, just thinking." I replied. 

"You always overthink Mione, you should get some rest." He told me giving me one of his blankets from his hospital bed. (A/N: We are just going to pretend he's got blankets!)

"Finee." I said grumpily as I took the blanket and tried to get comfy in the really uncomfortable chair. 

"Well your never going to get any sleep in that rusty old thing, come here." He patted the space next to him. I wasn't really in the mood to think, so I just did what he said and climbed into the hospital bed next to him. He gently wrapped the blanket around me and I fell asleep listening to Fred's steady heartbeats. 

-------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------

(A/N: Still Hemione's POV!! Also, this is a few weeks later!)

It was now time for the second task. I was extremely nervous for Fred and Harry. Professor McGonagall asked me to come to her office, which made me really worried. Did I do something wrong?  I knocked on her door and I heard a "Come in!" Then I walked in. 

"Yes Professor, there was something you wanted me for?" I asked her

"Perfect! We're all here." Huh? Who's we? I looked around to see Ron, George, Cho, and Fleur's little sister. 

"What are we doing here professor?" 

"Well, the five of you are the most important to our champions, so you are going to be in the second task." I wasn't really paying attention to anything she said. I was mostly worried about who was who's. I knew Fleur's most important thing would be her sister, Cho was obviously for Cedric, George was probably for Fred, but..... who was Harry's? Ron? If Ron was Harry's then that means.......... I WAS VIKTOR KRUMS????????!!! NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! All of a sudden I saw her point her wand at us, and shout a spell. What was she doing? Then everything went black. 


It was now time for the second task, but I still haven't found Hermione! Or George or Ron anywhere! They lined us up, I really did not want to go swimming right now, I wanted to find my brothers and Hermione! 

"THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!" Then a loud sound came out of nowhere and I knew we had to jump in the water. I used a bubblehead charm like Cedric did and swam around for a while. I saw a couple of heads bobbing in the water. A little curious yet confused, I saw over to see all three people I was looking for! I saw Cedric and Harry swimming around too. Cedric gestured to us to cut the rope thing that was tied around them  (A/N: I think so? Lol I don't know, I didn't bring  Harry Potter flashcards with me to know every single detail.) Cedric then grabbed Cho and started swimming away so now there were four left. Ohhhhh! We were supposed to take people that were important to us? But now who was I supposed to take? Probably not Ron, he was for Harry I think, But I was trying to decide if I was supposed to take George or Hermione? I started making my way over to Hermione through the water, but this mermaid thing came out of nowhere and hissed at me and told me to take mine! Soooo.....Hermione wasn't mine? I saw Krum swim over and he was a shark? Whaaa??? I was absolutely confused but I saw that time was running out so I said a spell and it broke the viney thingy that was around them and grabbed George. I saw Krum take Hermione and the crazy mermaid thing let him! So..... Hermione was most important to him?! WHAT?! NO! I became mad so I quickly pulled George through the water, but it was hard because first of all, George was really heavy! I have to remind myself to tell him later to lay off the sweets! It feels like I'm hauling a big bag of cement bricks! Second of all, I was determined to beat Krum, if it was the last thing I do. I pushed through the water, exhausted. I saw light starting to meet my eyes and I swam towards it. I finally broke through the surface gasping for air. I saw George come up too. He looked at me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes. If I could, I would smack him upside the head for that. I knew he was smirking because he was the most important in my life. If he brings if up later I'm going to crush his little evil heart and tell him I was expecting Hermione and not a trashy raccoon. Speaking of Hermione, I looked around for her still in the water. Not even less than a moment later, Hermione and Krum burst through the surface. Hermione was gasping for air, trying to swim. I knew Hermione wasn't the best swimmer which had me worried. Yes, I was furious as Krum, but I was mostly concerned that he left her there in the water! Although I did leave George, but he's a big boy, he can swim. I was now in second place. I swam over to Hermione who was now struggling to swim. I gave her a little push so she could grab the end of the docs and pull herself out. After she was out I pulled myself out. It was freezing! Hermione sank to the floor coughing up water. I patted her back as she did. I was given a towel since we were all soaking wet and shivering. I wrapped it around Hermione and hugged her to try and keep her warm. She looked at me worryingly. I knew that she was worried about Harry. Fleur had backed out and couldn't do it so now Harry was the only one left. He only had a little bit left on the clock. I could tell that Hermione was getting anxious. Harry then burst through the water gasping for breath, and so did Ron, but I noticed someone else? It was Fleur's little sister. Harry had gotten her too!? Hermione leaped out of my arms immediately going to Harry. She hugged him and scolded him at the same time. I loved that girl. I smiled to myself, while I saw George was smirking at me looking in between me and Hermione. I gave him a look that said Shut up and he just rolled his eyes and pouted. I shook my head and laughed while Hermione ran back over to me, giving me a hug and I hugged her back.


A/N: Hey guys! I know that was kind of a short-ish chapter but it was mainly about the second task! So excited 14 days until summer break!!! AHHHHHH!! Extremely nervous for my MRI, and I have to fast for like two hours so now I'm gonna cry because I won't be able to eat snacks because I'm a pig, Anyways love you all!

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