Chapter Fifteen: First Dates and A Hint of Jealousy

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A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! I literally love this pictureee!!! Sorry It's been a while since I updated I had a really busy weekend! School is almost out for me, so I promise that I will try to update one chapter a day during my summer break! 



I walked to the common room nervous for what Fred had planned. I had told Ginny about my date with Fred and she was ecstatic! She literally raided my closet to try and find something nice for me to wear. I felt like was a little insulted when she said I had nothing good! Ginny then picked something out from her closet for me to wear. ABSOLUTELY NOT! She wouldn't listen though, she's so meannn! She made me put it on even though I refused to wear it. She said I looked nice and that Fred would love it, but I was too busy pouting to care. 



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As I walked into the common room I saw Fred already there waiting for me. Oh crummy crackers. He better not have something sneaky planned! 

"Well hello there love!" Fred said to me smirking I rolled my eyes while laughing a little. 

"Why hello there Fred." I smiled at him.

"Mind me asking what you're doing here?" He asked jokingly since he obviously knew why I was here.

"Oh well there was this boy who asked me on a date, but I can't seem to find him." I said raising my hand to eyes looking around the common room in a playful manner.

"Oh really? Is that so?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I love it when he does that, he's so adorable when he does it. 

"Well, I guess if he's not gonna show, then I might as well escort you somewhere myself!" He smirked linking his arm through mine. 

"I mean I guess since I have nothing better to do." I smirked back at him.

"Of course you don't." He scoffed. How rude! 

"Heyyy!!" I smacked his arm playfully. He just snickered and ran out of the common room. 

"Hey wait for meee!!" I screeched as he was already halfway through the hallway. 

"I can't help it that you're short!" He joked stopping midway through the hall tapping his foot while trying to hold in his laughter.

"I'm not that short! You're like 6'2 or something!! That's not fairrrr!!" Fred then came really close to my face. My breath hitched. What was he doing? He looked me in the eye, then turned and whispered in my ear and said "Life's not fair." He then smirked and ran off outside. It was a struggle to catch up with him. Ugh, darn these short legs! When I finally caught up to him, he was already waiting for me.

𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗔 𝗪𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗬 | Fremione Fanfiction (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now