The First Date (Part 2)

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                Natsu sniffs the air. He then takes Lucy’s hand and guides her deeper into the woods. Lucy starts to hear sounds off in the distance. The farther Natsu leads them into the woods, the louder the sounds get. Suddenly Natsu drops low to the ground, dragging Lucy down with him. He crawls up to the bush in front of them and looks through to the other side.

                “They have a girl with them…” Natsu whispers to Lucy.

                “A girl?”

                “Yeah. Here, look.” Natsu pulls the bushes away for Lucy to peak through.

                As she looks her eyes grow big. The Vulcans are gathered around a girl who looks no older than nine. And the girl is surrounded by a bunch of different objects and fruit. Jewelry, silverware, and even wizards’ tools all piled around her with fruits from the surrounding trees mixed in.

                “Are they… worshipping her?” Lucy whispers.

                “I don’t know, but it sure looks like she’s their leader.”

                Lucy’s hair whips around from a warm breeze on her back and hits her cheek.

                “Natsu, you don’t have to breathe down my spine.”

                “What are you talking about? I’m right next to you.”

                Lucy glances at Natsu as she feels the breeze ruffle her hair again. Then she turns and is face to face with a Vulcan. His smelly breath tickles her nose.

                “N-Natsu…” She stammers, realizing he hasn’t noticed the beast behind them.

                “Shh! Don’t be so loud or they’ll hear-“ Natsu’s words get cut off by Lucy’s scream as she’s picked up by the Vulcan’s big hard. Her keys are crushed to her body from the beast’s tight grip with little hope of coming loose.

                “Natsu, help me!” Lucy yells, but then sees four more Vulcans have surrounded him.

                Feeling helpless, Lucy tries to scratch and bite at the hand holding her hostage. She sinks her teeth in deep enough to taste blood. The Vulcan wails and shakes its fist. Lucy’s body jerks back and forth painfully. Then a flash of bright light appears over the Vulcan’s head. Loke drops down out of the light and kicks the beast in the back of the head, causing it to drop Lucy.

                “Loke?” Lucy whispers as he catches her falling body.   

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