The Job (Part 2)

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The vehicle comes to a stop outside a seemingly abandoned town. The team slips out the doors and stands surveying their surroundings.

            “The thieves were last seen fleeing into this town. We’ll split into two groups and start our search. Natsu, you’re with Lucy. You guys go left. Gray, come with me. We’ll take the right side.” Erza turns and starts to head to her side.

            “Uh… E-Erza… Can I go with you instead?” Lucy doesn’t dare let her eyes flicker towards Natsu. She can feel his heated gaze burning holes in the back of her skull.

            “Is there something wrong with Natsu?”


            “No, we’re good. You guys go ahead and take the right. We’ll go left,” Natsu interrupts as he hauls Lucy with him to their side. Happy wordlessly flies after them. Erza stares after them for a second before shrugging and leading Gray away.

            “Natsu, what are you doing?! Let go!” Lucy yanks her arm out of Natsu’s grasp.

            “Clam down. We need to talk.” Natsu’s eyes glance up at Happy’s flying form hovering over them. “Alone, please.”

            Happy nods and glides away from them muttering, “I’ll look for the thieves from higher up.”

            “W-what do we need to talk about,” Lucy questions, her face a burning red.

            “You and Loke.” Natsu takes a deep breath and starts to slowly walk. Hesitantly, Lucy falls into step with him.

            “What about Loke and I?”

            “I don’t know. I’m sorry I left after I found out. And wouldn’t look at you. It’s just…” He trails off and looks away from her.

            “It’s just what?”

            Natsu stops and turns toward Lucy. She gasps at the look in his eyes. They look as though they are burning with a fiery passion. Natsu lifts his hands to her face and traces her cheeks with his thumbs. Lucy is frozen in place, not knowing what to do. Natsu looks down from her eyes and fixes his intense gaze on her lips. Involuntarily she licks them. Natsu looks back up at her eyes, then closes his own and leans in. Lucy sways toward him.

            “Lue, this way! We gotta get outta here before those wizards find us!”

            Startled by the sudden voice, the spell between Lucy and Natsu is broken. They look into each other’s eyes and then Lucy jumps back and looks down, face ablaze. Natsu looks toward where the voice came from and growls. He turns his back on her and stomps over to the thieves’ hiding spot. 

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