Talking to Natsu

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            Lucy paces back and forth in front of Natsu’s door. Pausing, she rubs her palms together and makes a fist. Her knuckles rasp against the hard oak of the door. Lucy holds her breath as she waits. After a few silent moments she knocks again. When no answer comes after the third knock, Lucy decides Natsu must not be home.

            Relief floods in at the thought of avoiding the talk with him. Lucy closes her eyes and turns to leave. She rams faces first into a solid mass. Putting her hands on either side, she pushes off and sees a bare chest in front of her. Lucy’s eyes slowly follow the muscular pecks up the solid neck, over the strong jaw, and straight into Natsu’s gaze.


            “Oh, um, Natsu! What a surprise!” Lucy notices her hands, still sprawled over his chest, and quickly pulls them behind her back.

            “Surprise? We’re right outside my house.”

            “Oh, right. I thought you were out somewhere.” Lucy blushes and keeps her eyes downcast.

            “Well, I’m back now. What is it you need?” Natsu shifts his feet as he stands awkwardly awaiting her response.

            “About that… I really need to talk with you…”

            “Talk about what?”

            “I like you, Natsu. I can’t get you out of my mind. All I can think about is our almost kiss. So, I talked to Loke and-”

            Natsu’s lips crash into Lucy’s. He grabs her and lifts her to wrap her legs around his hips. He then pushes her back against his door. Sucked in by his passionate kiss, Lucy folds her arms around his neck and tangles her hands into his ruffled pink hair. Natsu crushes his body as close to hers as he can.

            Turning her head to gasp for air, Lucy quickly gets out, “Wait… wait.”

            “What is it?”

            “I have got to stop doing this,” Lucy mumbles under her breath as she detaches from Natsu.

            “What’s wrong? You said you talked Loke about liking me, so you broke up with him, right?” Natsu tries to rest his palms on her cheeks, but she turns away from him.

            “What?! No that’s- of course I didn’t break up with Loke!”

            “Then why’d you kiss me back?”

            “That’s what I have to talk to you about! I want to date both you and Loke… At the same time… And then choose who I want to stay with.”

            “What the heck?” Natsu steps away from Lucy and stares at her.

            “Well… It was the only thing we could think of… And Loke said-”

            “I don’t want to share you. I want all of you all to myself. I want you to be mine.

            “Natsu… Please?”

            “I can’t, Lucy.” Natsu moves Lucy aside and steps into his house, quietly closing the door behind him.

            Lucy stands frozen outside. She can’t believe this. Even after Loke agreed… Tears form in her eyes and her breathing quickens. Ever so slowly she takes a step away from the silent house.

            “Wait…” Natsu’s soft call slips through the door. It creaks open and he steps out, repeating, “Wait.”

            Lucy’s heart races as she looks at him. His eyes blaze, watching her every move. Natsu sighs and his shoulders slump in defeat.

            “Okay… I’ll try to share you.”

            “You will? Are you sure?”

            “Yes… I’m sure I can win against Loke for your heart.”


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