Lucy's Fear

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Later That Day…

 Lucy cautiously walks through Fairy Tail’s doors. She’s not sure what to expect. Natsu could have told the whole guild about her and Loke! But, as Lucy creeps between the tables, she is only met with kind and open smiles.

            “Good morning, Lucy! How are you today?” Mira greets with that big happy smile she always wears. She pours Lucy a drink and sets it on the table top.

            “Fine,” Lucy sighs with relief.

            “Have you and Natsu picked a job yet?”

            Lucy pauses with the cup pressed to her lips. Before she is able to answer a flyer is slammed on the table next to her elbow. Looking up in surprise, Lucy sees Erza is the one with the flyer crushed to the counter top.

            “Lucy, I’ve picked a job for the team to take. Go locate Natsu and Gray so we may leave immediately.”

            “Uhh… What’s the job?”

            “I’ll explain it once the boys are with us,” Erza states as she goes to pack an excessive amount of luggage, as usual.

            “Okay,” Lucy replies. She spots Gray at a table on the other side of the guild’s interior. Quickly, she walks over and sits down beside him. “Erza has a job for us to do. Can you grab Natsu and Happy, then meet Erza and I back here?”

            “Why can’t you go get him yourself?”

            “Because… I have other things I have to go do!” Lucy huffs and crossed her arms.

            “Fine,” Gray stands and turns his back to leave.

            “Clothes,” Lucy laughs as Gray frantically searches for his pants. 

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