The Job (Part 1)

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Lucy and the boys jiggle around inside the magical vehicle being driven by Erza. Lucy’s cheeks are heated as she keeps her eyes from going anywhere near Natsu’s direction. She decides to glace over quickly and sees Natsu sprawled over his seat, pale and sweaty. She relaxes slightly knowing that he’s too motion sick to be upset with her. While Erza had explained their job, Natsu barely spoke and wouldn’t even look at Lucy.

A Few Minutes Earlier...

            “The job we’re taking is to stop some thieves and collect the jewelry they’ve stolen,” Erza states as she looks at the flyer in her hand.

            As Erza talks more about the job and reward Lucy tries to catch Natsu’s eyes, but he has them glued to the floor. It’s obvious that he’s not his usual cheerful self and she hopes no one’s noticed. She glances over at Gray to find him looking at Natsu questionably.

            “Hey, Natsu, stop moping.”

            “Shut up, Gray.” Natsu glares up at the ice maker with fire in his eyes.

            “What? You looking for a fight?” Gray stands up and puffs out his chest at Natsu.

            In a split second Gray is flying across the room. He crashes into the far wall with a loud crash. Natsu stand with his fist up, covered in flames, breath coming in fast. He looks as though he’s steaming with pent up rage.

            “Natsu!” Erza stands with a started expression.

            “Let’s just leave already,” Natsu growls as he stomps out of the guild’s doors.

            “Hey! Get back here you little-,” Gray tries to climb to his feet, but Erza stops him with her hand on his shoulder.

            “Leave it, Gray. I think there’s something wrong and we need to let him calm down.” They both turn to look at Lucy.

            “Maybe we should just leave now…” She says before scurrying out the door after Natsu hoping the others are following.

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