The First Date (Part 1)

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        Lucy and Natsu walk together through the forest near the guild. Between tree branches stars glisten in the sky. Lighting their path is fire curling around Natsu's extended left hand. His right hand holds Lucy's, their fingers intertwined.

Lucy's wearing a red V-neck dress that flows at the bottom as she walks and shows off her curves. She shivers as a cold breeze brushes her skin. Natsu pauses for a second and drops her hand. He unravels his scarf from around his neck and wraps it around Lucy's. She smiles, snuggling her face into it.

"Hey, Natsu, where are we going?" Lucy's voice asks from beneath the checkered scarf.

Natsu gives her a devilish grin and says, "There's a group of Vulcans that have decided to hide out in this forest. I figured we could defeat them and get the reward posted back at the guild."

"Reward...? We're on a job?! I thought you were going to take me on some kind of romantic date while strolling through the woods!"

"A stroll through the woods? That sounds boring. What's more fun than going on a job? I thought this would be perfect as a date for me and you."

"You want me to fight in this dress? I just bought it!" Lucy spins in a circle and motions down her body to emphasis her frustration.

Natsu takes a long look at her; his gaze traveling up and down her several times. Resting his eyes on hers, Natsu says, "You look beautiful tonight. I'll have how you look now burned into my memory so that I can always remember our first date. But don't you want to do something exciting? Come on, Lucy! I know you want to use that whip of yours tonight!"

"I didn't even mean to bring it... Force of habit made me put it on without thinking," Lucy mumbles as her fingers skim its leather handle.

"Please?" Natsu pouts and gives Lucy the most irresistible look.

"Alright, fine. Let's go kick some Vulcan butt. And, so you know in the future, we could have just gone to a play or something like that as a date! Instead of working."

"Yeah, but a play isn't going to help me win against Loke. My dates have to be way cooler than his!" And with that said, Natsu and Lucy go hunting for Vulcans to fight.

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