Talking to Loke

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            “Okay. This is it. I need to calm down. All I have to do is say to Loke ‘I think I like Natsu too. So I’ve decided to date you both for a while and then decide who I like more.’ It’s as simple as that…” Lucy pauses in her pacing and shakes her head. She groans out, “That sounds horrible! How do I do this?!”

            Suddenly Loke appears. He gives Lucy an easy smile and says, “Are you ready to pick up where we left off last time?”

            He yanks Lucy into a hug while his lips entrap hers. Their eyes close as they embrace. Getting lost in their kiss, Lucy wraps herself around Loke and moans as the kiss deepens. Loke lifts Lucy off her feet and deposits her onto the bed. He then crawls on top of her. They’re lips meet once more.

            Loke shrugs off his jack, and then pulls his shirt off over his head. Lucy stares at his broad chest and runs her hand over his smooth muscles. Loke lifts her hand to his lips. When Lucy looks up at him she remembers what she needed to say.

            She sits up and says, “We need to talk.”

            “Now?” Loke gives her a puzzled look.

            “Yes… It’s important.” Lucy looks away and tries to find the words she knows have to be said.

            “What is it?” Loke’s hand softly caresses Lucy’s cheeks as he tries to catch her eyes.

            Quietly, she whispers, “I think I like Natsu. And I don’t know what to do.”

            Loke’s hand on her cheek stiffens. Slowly, he repeats, “You like Natsu?”


            Loke’s hand drops down to his lap and his eyes darken. “So, is this you trying to break up with me?”

            “What? No! Not at all! I just… I wanted you to know… And Gray had this idea, but I don’t know any more if-“

            “What idea?”

            Startled, Lucy glances at Loke. “Umm, to date you and Natsu at the same time and then decide who I like more…”

            “And what do you think of doing that?” Loke asks, his face a mask of thoughtfulness.

            “I don’t… I don’t know what else to do. I can’t get Natsu out of my head. But I also can’t imagine life without you here to hold my hand along the way.” Lucy’s lower lip begins to tremble and tears weld up in her eyes.

            Loke’s thumb flattens over her lip and he gazes into her eyes, “Have you talked to Natsu about this yet?”


            “Okay. You should. I’ll… give it a try. For you, I’d do anything.”

            Loke quickly kisses her and gets up off the bed to pull his shirt back on. He grabs his jacket, gives one swift look back at Lucy, then leaves. Lucy’s left alone on the bed in shock. She touches her lips where he had just touched them with his. Slowly, she lays back down on her bed. Now all that’s left for her to do is convince Natsu.  

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