The Job (Part 3)

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            Lucy stands still, face still burning. She can hear Natsu attacking the thieves a couple buildings away. Taking out her keys, she strokes Loke’s. Guilt weighs heavy in the pit of her stomach. Though nothing happened, it almost did. And she almost let it.

            Slowly creeping up behind Lucy’s back as she is distracted, one of the thieves pulls out a long blade from his belt. Quickly he grabs her by the hair and swings the gleaming tip of the blade to her throat. She makes a startled squeaking noise at the sudden attack. Lucy’s keys tumble out of her finger tips with clanks and chimes as they hit the ground.     

            “Don’t you dare scream,” the thief’s gruff voice warns in Lucy’s ear.

             Lucy struggles to get out of the man’s grip and reach her keys. As she does, he lets go of her hair and punches her in the gut. While she gasps for air, the thief’s rough hand grabs both her wrists and holds them painfully behind her back. Just as Lucy decides to call out for Natsu’s help, a bright light blazes in front of the struggling couple.

            “Loke!” Lucy chokes up with relief at seeing him appearing before her even though she couldn’t get to his key and summon him herself.

            “What the hell is going on?” Loke takes one look at the situation and instantly sets his eyes on the thief. His eyes narrow and he growls out, “Let Lucy go now and maybe I’ll show you mercy.”

            “Move and I’ll cut her throat right open!” The thief’s grip on Lucy tightens and the tip of his blade pierces her skin. A small trail of blood leaks down from the puncture wound.

            In the blink of an eye Loke is on the man. Lucy falls to the ground with shaking limbs. While catching her breath she watches the fight. Loke moves fast as lightning, striking the thief repeatedly with his fists. The man’s greasy brown hair drips with sweat and blood. He slashes his blade back and forth in front of him in a frantic attack. Loke easily dodges each stroke of the blade. He quickly disarms the thief and throws him against the wall. Beaten and bruised, the thief slides down the wall unconscious.

            Rushing over to Lucy, Loke enfolds her in his arms as he whispers in a hushed voice, “Are you okay? How’s your throat? I’m so glad you’re not hurt.”

            Lucy turns in Loke’s arms and throws her arms around his neck. She hugs him to her as tightly as she can, grateful for him saving her. She can feel tears prickling her eyes, but she forces them down. Loke strokes his hand through her hair and breathes out a sigh of relief. They stay like that for a while until they hear footsteps proceeding towards them.

            “Lucy… What’s going on?” Natsu stops as he sees Loke and Lucy embracing each other. He drops the body slung over his shoulder and it lands with a loud thud. Looking away with his face an angry red, Natsu turns on his heel and starts to stomp away.

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