Growing Closer

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Natsu, Loke, and Lucy make sure that the girl starts complying and has her Vulcans grab arm fulls of treasure and head toward town. Once they feel satisfied Loke looks over at Natsu and Lucy walking together and decides to quietly return to the celestial world. Natsu and Lucy head through the trees back to Fairy Tail. Natsu stays silent and seems to be sulking.

"If we would have had a normal date, this probably wouldn't have happened," Lucy comments.

Natsu stops walking, "Did you really want a 'normal, date? Just eat together, walk around... and then what? I figured that'd bore you. It sure sounds boring to me."

"It's not boring! It's romantic!"

"But, we're always walking around together. It doesn't seem any different from normal."

Natsu looks at Lucy and adds, "We haven't ever gone on a job alone together, that's why I thought this was a good idea."

"We've been on jobs alone together," Lucy says.

"Not really. Someone has always been with us. Happy, Erza, Gray... Never just you and I."

Lucy thinks about it a little more and realizes that he's right. She never noticed before, but they're hardly ever alone together. Even this time, Loke showed up.

"I'm sorry. I never realized before. But, if Loke hadn't have showed up, I-"

"I would have saved you!" Natsu lurches forward and grabs Lucy's shoulders. "I would have caught you! Kept you safe. But, not only that, I would have let you fight on your own. I know you use celestial spirits to fight, but I also know that you can fight without them. You're strong and smart and can pull through anything!"

"Natsu..." Lucy looks speechlessly into his fierce eyes.

Natsu's lips crush hers. His lips are burning hot, probably from the fight earlier firing him up. His warm hands leave her shoulders and wrap around her back. Lucy's hands move to rest on his chest.

Natsu pulls away and says, "I admire your strength and beauty."

Lucy blushes and replies, "You sound like you're describing Erza."

"It does sound like that, doesn't it?"

"Oh, shut up! You can't take back what you've said now!" Lucy laughs and turns to leave.

"Thanks for the date, Natsu. It was fun," Lucy smiles at him over her shoulder.

Natsu breaks into a big smile and replies, "Anytime!" 

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