A Secret Love

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Loke and Lucy sit together on a bench in Magnolia, near their guild. Loke slowly traces his finger over the pink crest on her hand. They sit in silence, but the silence is comfortable. Loke leans toward Lucy and lifts her hand to his lips. Smiling, he looks into Lucy's eyes and kisses her hand.

"Let's take a walk," Loke says as he drags Lucy off the bench with him. Their fingers intertwined, he leads her away from the bench and towards the mountains surrounding the city.

"Where are we going?" Lucy questions, glancing around as they pass the last few buildings.

"It's a surprise," Loke gives Lucy a charming smile and one of his classic winks.

They continue walking together as they pass the mountains and enter a forest. The sun has slowly begun to fade and leaves the sky for the moon to occupy. The moonlight paves their path as they travel through the trees. Lucy takes time on this long walk to admire Loke. He's wearing his usual clothes, green jacket with a fur-trim hood, orange shirt, ear piercings, and his glasses. Not the suit that he wears as a Celestial Spirit.

"We're almost there," Loke looks back and catches Lucy staring, causing her to blush. Loke squeezes her hand and stops. Lucy looks around and gasps. The forest is glowing! Well, not the actual forest, but the flowers littering the grass. They sway in the breeze and light the area surrounding their petals.

"It's beautiful," Lucy whispers. Loke smiles and wraps his arms around her.

"I thought you'd like them."

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