The First Date (Part 3)

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                Loke lands softly on his feet with Lucy cradled in his arms. The Vulcan behind them falls to the ground with a loud thud. Carefully, Loke sets Lucy back on her own feet, but doesn’t let go of her waist.

                “Thank you,” Lucy says as she gazes up at him.

                Their gazes stay locked. Lucy is so entranced that she almost forgets why she was captured in the first place. Then a Vulcan goes flying past them and slams into a tree. Its body burnt, fur singed. Another Vulcan comes sailing from where Natsu is fighting. Its body heads straight toward Loke.

                “You’re going to have to try harder than that to hit me,” Loke calls over to Natsu as he picks Lucy back up and easily avoids the Vulcan’s body.

                Loke sets Lucy next to a nearby tree before jumping into Natsu’s fight. More Vulcans have ran over and try to restrain him. Out of the group, only one stays behind with the girl. As Loke and Natsu take down the Vulcans, Lucy makes her way over to the girl.

                “Are you okay?” She asks the girl quietly, trying not to alert the Vulcan standing guard.

                The girl and the Vulcan turn their heads toward Lucy simultaneously, sending a chill down her spine.

                “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? I’m just playing with my friends. Isn’t that right?” The little girl turns to the Vulcan and it gives a nod.

                Being this close up, Lucy can tell that this Vulcan is much larger than the rest of them.

                “Your friends?” Lucy questions.

                “Yes, they love me. They even treat me like a princess.” The girl smiles as the Vulcan lifts her up onto its shoulder.

                Lucy looks around at the pile of fruits and other items and objects around them.

                “Did your… friends give all this to you?” Lucy asks.

                “Yes. They love giving me gifts,” the girl says as she wraps her arms around the Vulcan’s neck.

                “But they’re stealing this stuff, aren’t they? You know that’s wrong, right? You have to return everything.”

                “You want to take my gifts away from me?” The girl’s smile disappears and her face scrunches.

                “Well, it’s not actually yours…” Lucy’s voice trails off as the girl slides down the Vulcan’s arm.

                “Get rid of her,” the girl demands after her feet touch the ground.

                Suddenly the large Vulcan springs into action and launches itself at Lucy. She squeaks and dives out of the way. She then scrambles to her feet and takes off between the trees. The Vulcan bounces off of trees right behind her. Lucy grabs her keys and picks one of them out.

                “Gate of the Maiden, I open thee! Virgo!”

                As Virgo appears, Lucy dodges the Vulcan’s reaching hand.

                “Virgo! Go get the girl!” Lucy shouts, causing Virgo to dig down into the ground.

                “Let me go!” The girl wails as Virgo bursts out of the ground behind her and laches on.

                The Vulcan chasing Lucy instantly turns around and rushes back to the girl at full speed. However, before it can reach her, Loke appears and hits it with a hard upper cut to the jaw. As is sails into the air Natsu jumps up behind it and kicks the Vulcan back down into the ground.

                “No! Stop it!” The girl screams as she struggles in Virgo’s iron grip. “Go away! Just leave us alone!”

                “We’ll leave if you agree to return everything they’ve stolen for you. And if you make sure they don’t take anymore from other people,” Natsu says as Lucy walks over to sand in between him and Loke.

                “Fine! Just let me go and go away!”

                Virgo drops the girl and she lands with a thump.

                “Ow,” the girl mutters, glaring up at Virgo.

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