Gray's Great Advice

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            After returning to the guild, Gray corners Lucy for questioning. He takes her by the elbow and leads her to a deserted table in the corner. They sit in silence for a few moments. Lucy fiddles with her keys as a nervous habit. Finally, Gray speaks.

            “What’s going on between you and Natsu? He wouldn’t even sit by you on the ride back.”

            Lucy looks away from Gray while she tries to decide what to tell him. Suddenly she bursts out with, “Natsu found out about me dating Loke and I think he likes me and we almost kissed and Loke doesn’t know what’s going on and- and…” Lucy trails off from her ranting to take in a deep breath.

            “Whoa… that was a mouth full. So, you and Loke are dating? Good for you.” Gray pauses for a moment before saying, “You almost kissed Natsu?”

            Feeling guilt rise up, Lucy down casts her eyes and nods. Her thumb pauses over Loke’s key and she feels her eyes fill with unshed tears. Looking up, she whimpers, “Am I horrible?”

            Gray, not knowing how to deal with tears, squeaks out, “No! Of course not! Why would you be horrible?”

            “Because… I think I like Loke and Natsu.”

            “Hmm… that sounds difficult.” Gray takes a moment to think the situation over. Then he snaps his fingers and says, “I’ve got it! Why not try and date them both at the same time? And after a while you can choose between them.” Feeling triumphant, Gray crosses his arms behind his head and leans back in his chair.

            “That’s… a terrible idea!” Lucy puts her face in her hands and mutters, “But… I can’t think of anything better to do.”

            Lucy leaves Gray to go home. As she walks back she brings out Plue to accompany her. She explains the situation she’s in to her little friend during the stroll, hoping to think up some kind of actual game plan. All she really ends up doing is thinking more about what Gray said. Dating them both at the same time… How would she explain it to them? What if Loke didn’t understand and dumped her?

            Just the thought of losing Loke sends a chill down Lucy’s spine. She shivers and rubs her palms over her arms. Lucy speeds up so she can reach home faster. Plue struggles to keep up, so she pulls him into her arms. When they make it home, Lucy flops onto her bed. She lies there cradling Plue for a while before sending him back. She then rolls over and tries to calm her mind enough to sleep. Failing in doing so, Lucy gets up and decided to further work on her novel. She sits at her desk and stares blankly at her work. She can’t even focus on her novel with all these questions running through her jumbled brain.

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