Unknown Feelings

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    “Natsu! What’s going on?” Happy flies next to Natsu’s face as they stroll back home.

            “I don’t know. I just fell kind of queasy. And my chest hurts,” Natsu glances over his shoulder, eyes staring back toward Lucy’s place.

            “Maybe food will make you feel better!” Happy pulls a fish out from behind his back and holds it out for Natsu.

            “I’m not hungry.”

            Happy’s jaw drops and he stops, “But you’re always hungry! What’s wrong with you?”

            Natsu stops walking and sits on the ground. Happy settles down next to him and looks up at his face. The usual light in Natsu’s eyes has dimmed some. His shoulders are slumped forward and he’s staring down at his hands.

            “I think Lucy and Loke are together,” Natsu says quietly.

            “You mean the big kitty? Why does that matter?”

            “I don’t know… It just makes me angry and I wanna punch Loke,” Natsu’s fists clench and unclench.

            “Ohhh, you’re jealous!”

            “What?” Natsu glances over at Happy, genuinely surprised.

            “You love Lucy! You love Lucy!” Happy spreads his wings and flies around Natsu giggling.

            “No, I don’t… Do I?”

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