Lucy and Levy

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Lucy’s talk with Natsu ended in them deciding to go on a date the next night. The morning after the talk, Lucy, feeling both anxious and excited, finds Levy to tell her about her plans with Natsu. They go to Lucy’s place to talk and sit on her bed together, an awkward silence falling between them. Lucy, not knowing what exactly to say yet, fiddles with her keys as they sit.

“What is it that you wanted to talk with me about, Lucy?” Levy asks with a friendly smile displayed on her face.

“Oh. Yeah. Well… I have a date tonight.”

“With Loke? I know you two are way closer than just having a Contract together. It’s obvious whenever you tow are around each other!”

“No… it’s with Natsu.” Lucy’s face flushes bright pink.

“Natsu? Well that’s unexpected. Although, now that I think about it, you two to kind of click. You’re almost always together laughing and joking around. I was just so sure it was Loke that you’d start dating.”

“You’re not exactly wrong about that…”

“What?” Levy scoots closer to Lucy to make sure she doesn’t miss anything.

“It’s a long story. For now, can we just focus on tonight? I’m really nervous.”

Levy’s face falls in disappointment as she says, “Okay. But we will talk about this later! However, until then, let’s go get you a new outfit to wear on your date tonight.”

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