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I was in my father's office with my mother, I told them I want to become a teacher to teach students. 

They rejected it.

"Why would you want to become a teacher!" My father slammed his hand to the desk.

I knew that they will reject the idea since we are Reosian's.

The ones who had the highest rank nobles in the empire, the archduke. The imperial family treats us as equals not daring to make us offended. The family that God has blessed with knowledge, magic, and looks. Who had been around longer than the empire's founding.

Wanted to become a teacher and lower themselves to teach people? People would laugh at it not believing it.

I stayed silent and stare at my father's eyes not willing to back down.

My mother stroked my father's back, "Eira, why would you want to teach in a school? Are you unsatisfied with something?"

I look at my mother's eyes worry could be seen, out of my siblings, I was the one who had been spoiled a lot, "I want to become a teacher to spread my knowledge and to know how much I can do to impact someone's life."

My mother looks surprised at my answer, my father sighs and rubbed his eyebrow, "You are Eira Reosian, the fourth child and the youngest child from the Reosian family. You are the treasure of our family. We provided you everything you needed, may that item came from hell or heaven. We allow you do things that you wanted. We let you learn things on your own. We spoiled you. What else do you need? Say it and it will be at your side."

I look down and said, "There is something I wanted..."

My parent looks at each other and lets out a breath of relief thinking maybe I will let this go down. my mother leans in and asks me, "What is it?"

I smiled at them, "To become a teacher."

My parents sigh as they lean back to their chairs. I chuckled at their reaction. My mother stares at me frowning, "I understand, but you are only 19 going on twenty. almost the same age as them, what happens if they don't respect you or worse bully you?"

"Don't worry, I have already been preparing," I assured them.

My father raised his eyebrow, "Prepare, what?"

I took out a white mask that had a small design on the left eye.

"I'll use this to cover my face and use magic to change my hair color

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"I'll use this to cover my face and use magic to change my hair color." I smile at them while tapping my hair two times to change my hair to brown.

My parent looks please seeing me already prepare this far but look at me sternly. My father stated, "I will allow you under 3 conditions."

I nodded and my mother continues, "First, you must send us some letters or visits us. You can use the teleportation device to go visits us. I don't like how you left us not visiting us or sends a letter for a year."

I scratch the back of my head, "Ahahaha... I promise."

My mother nod in response, "Good."

"Second, you must report if something happens," He then looked at me seriously, "And third, you must return if you either get fired or quit being a teacher. Even someone frames you to make you quit the job, you have to return immediately," my father continues.

I stare at them for a while before nodding my head and bow my head, "Thank you for hearing my selfish request, father mother."

My parent smiled, my mother stands up and pat my head while my father gazes softly at me.

I smiled at them and hugged them.


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