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The morning sun rose to the morning sky with the dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The peaceful melody fills the Archduke household, as the light gently seeped through the curtains illuminating the room and shining softly onto a white hair figure and the curled-up white snake.

I woke up, rubbing my bleary eyes as I still felt dazed. I glanced at the clear window, looking at the garden.

The gardener has taken good care of the garden as they are filled with bloom flowers and trimmed bush.


The sound echoed to the room looking at Adder who was curled up next to me, still sleeping.

A smile blossomed on my face, seeing the sleeping white snake.

I stand up from my bed when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I stretch before speaking up, "Come in." with a slight lisp.

The door opens as the pair of twins come in, "Good morning, young master Eira," greeted Luna.

"First young master, second young master, and the young lady is waiting for you at the dining room," continued Lily.

I nodded as I moved towards the wardrobe, "How about Father and Mother?".

"The master has some business to attend with the emperor and the lady was invited to the empress tea party for this noon," Luna and Lily said at the same time.

I answered with a hum, I took out a dark green shirt with a rose pattern from the hem of the shirt ending at the upper abdominal and gold lining at the cuff of the sleeves. I set it aside and took out dark blue pants to match with the shirt.

The twins help me slip out of my sleepwear, putting on the outfit I took out. The twins looked at me as they grasped their hands together, ""Young master looks good.""

They both said at the same time.

I giggled at them, "Thank you."

Luna and Lily stare at me before hugging each other and twirling around me repeating the words.

I smiled and walk towards Adder which was still sleeping. I raised my hand to send him back to the spirit world, where all familiars came from.

I walked to the dining room where my older siblings sat around the table, I smiled, "Good morning big brother Liam, big brother Ethan, and big sister Iris."

They nodded while holding their nose, "G-good morning Eira."

'hm?' I looked at them confused.

I ignored their weird pose and sat down in my chair. The servant started to put the food at the table. We talk here and there while eating our breakfast.

After finishing our breakfast, Liam went to work as the heir of Reosian while Ethan goes to the castle to train the knight.


In the afternoon, I and Iris spend some time reading in the library. Iris took a sip of her tea before looking up at me. She puts down down her cup and spoke, "Eira."

"Yes, sister?" I answered grabbing a maccaron and ate it.

Iris closes her book then puts it down at the table. She faced me putting on a serious face and said hesitatingly, "Do you..."

I stop reading and looked at Iris. She took a deep breath, "Is there..."

I closed my book and tilted my head. Iris stayed silent and keep staring at me. I pick up my teacup and raised an eyebrow at my sister.

Iris took a deep breath again and said,

"How's your boyfriend?"

At the sudden of the question, I spitted the tea from my mouth.

What the h*ll!?

She smiled mischievously, "So there is someone!"

I took out a handkerchief and wipe my mouth while a maid cleaned up the spilled tea. I looked at Iris who's eyes sparkling.

"I don't know what you mean," I put the handkerchief back, "Why are you saying that?"

She smiled before putting her hand on her cheeks while making a pained expression, "My sweet little brother~ Eira didn't come to visit us last a month,"

"I was busy because I became a homeroom teacher for the two princes," I answered.

She paused before continuing, "And he had been acting weird since he came home as if he has lost his virginity, especially his answer." She whispered the last part.

'Seriously.' I open my book, "You just wanted to take revenge on me, from 4 years ago aren't you?"

Iris stiffens up before letting a sigh, "You caught me."

I continue reading and remembered the question, I frowned and asked, "Why boyfriend? I could have a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. Shouldn't it be How's your special someone?"

Iris looked at me and wiggle her eyebrows, "Special Someone?"

I glared at her, "Sis."

She pouted, "How scary," She smiled "It's something called a Woman Intuition." She leans back to her chair and added, "Besides you have a special constitution, so that'll be impossible."

I sigh continue reading, Iris drinks her tea and a maid came to refill her cup but she raised her hand. She stood up and said, "Anyways, please excuse me. I have some plans with my beloved fiance~ so I'll be going."

She walks towards the door with the maid leaving me behind alone inside the library. Before closing the door she spoke, "And..." She stopped, "I'm sure you already meet that--"

"--Special someone~~"

She winked at me while waving her left hand and left. After Iris left, I sighed closing my book, looked at the window behind me. I rested my head at the window, feeling a bit dazed at Iris's words.


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