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|A/N: *Jump out of coffin* |

"The winner is his highness Leon Hethason!"

A deep magnetic voice shouted across the battlefield as two male students stood.

Leon was standing with his wooden sword pointing at Castor's neck, and Castor had an incomplete condensed mana ball in his hand. Both two boys were breathing heavily from their fight. The whole arena is filled with wreckage, evident from their fierce battle.

Leon lowered his sword, pushing his sweaty hair back while smirking, his sharp fang showing under his smirk, "Not bad, Ela."

"Stop calling me that! How many times have I told you that." Castor's mouth twitched as he spoke.

Leon chuckled, "Ahaha! I know."

Leon looped his hand around Castor's shoulder as they both walked back to the area where the students are sitting. As soon as they arrived, everyone showered them with praises for how strong they were or how exciting the battle is.

After all, it was a fight between a crown prince of the beastman kingdom Hetheason that is known for their incredible strength in the sword arts and a tower wizard son who is known for their extraordinary talent in magic.

"Good fight." praised Rian the crown prince of the kingdom of Wreawyth.

Drake, Leon's personal guard, "Your highness your skill really improved."

Alizeh nodded and look away to look at something else, or someone.

Castor's mouth twitched, 'You guys only praising him?'

Cayden was standing in front of the student, indifferently. Cayden flipped the attendance paper, thinking about who will be the next one, his eyes landed on two names. He thought for a second and decided it will be a good battle between the two.

As the students still crowding the main capture target. Cayden raised his head to call out the next two students that will fight.

"M'lady Amara Auvrehan and...."

Amara stood up from her place as soon Cayden called her name. Ellian was smiling at her, giving her a thumbs up as if saying Good Luck. Amara looked around to see who will be her opponent.

"Anya Esturlach."






"Mr. E!"

A feminine high-pitched voice called out to Eira.

Eira turn around and saw the petite pink-haired girl running towards him, Aamane Ocrizar.

|A/N: ^^The girl from the chapter before (In case you forget what she looks like) |

The heroine's childhood best friend.

The person who he deems...

"Mr. E I was wondering if you're free after school?" She asked as she twirl her finger around her pink strand of hair.


Why? You all may ask.

You'll see..

Eira tilts his head and kept his voice steady to not show any irritation towards the girl, "Oh, Why you may ask Lady Ocrizar?"

Aamane then waves her hand, "N-no it's just, I-I was thinking of i-inviting you to some place to eat later.." She then continued while looking at Eira, "A-and didn't I tell you to call me Aamane, Mr. E." She giggled while she hold both of her hands in front of her. "No need to get all formal."

"No, apologies Lady Ocrizar." Eira paused for a second to think and remembered, "I already have some plans with Mr. Zuidinyth after school."

Aamane stiffened at Eira's response, "With Mr. Zuidinyth?"

"Correct." Eira nodded.

Aamane face darkens a bit, "How about to-"




"Amara! Wait!?"

A loud shout came through the hallways and the sound of heels clicking, filtered Aamane's words. Suddenly a long blond hair girl ran and crash into Aamane. Aamane falls, expecting Eira to catch her, but sadly Eira already moves to catch the blond-haired girl.

"Are you okay?" Eira asked the blond girl who he found out was Amara Auvrehan.

Aamane sat down on the floor with her knees, looking at Eira confused, 'Why is he asking only her? Isn't she also here?'

To be true, when Amara crashed into her it wasn't hard. She (Aamane) was able to balance herself quite well, especially with the wall that is at half an arm's length. And nobles from the lower rank to upper rank since young have been taught to train their instinct so nothing bad will happen to them.

|A/N: I don't know if you would still fall or not but from what I know, as long we have a trusty and good'ol wall, we won't fall ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌|

"Amara! Why did you run away like that." Ellian hold Amara's arms while Amara looked down clenching her fist. "You scared me!"

Amara stayed quiet still looking down. Ellian let out a breath and spoke softly, "Amara look at me, tell me what's wrong?"

There wasn't any answer came from Amara. Ellian looked at Amara pleadingly, "..Please..."

"I.." Amara paused and bite her lower lip, perplexed about how to answer her childhood best friend. She was confused as to why she immediately ran after the battle ended, why she cannot bear to see her (Ellian) face at this moment. Maybe, maybe she knew why... or not.

Ellian waited patiently, she will give Amara the time she needed to answer her, like she always does, for her. 

Silence cast upon them, one confused about how to answer and the other patiently waiting for the answer, like how it was. But soon that silence has to be short livid

"My I would like to give you both the time but..." Eira spoke, and even though he likes to keep seeing what will happen, he has other matters to take care of.

"Lady Amara you're bleeding."



It's been a while since I last updated, I got really busy these past few weeks. Thank you all for waiting patiently, sadly the next update will be a long time.

I'm going back to my coffin, See yaa in the next update (シ_ _)シ|

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