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I waited for the students to enter the class. I review the material we will be discussing. The students walk in and take a seat. The princes came with the duke's son and the wizard's son following behind. Then I spotted a green hair color, not behind prince Leon.

Drake looks at me surprised. I wave at him and he shyly waves back.

They sat at the back of the class, Drake stares at me. Prince Leon notices his friend staring at something. He looks at Drake's line of sight and looked at me. He looks at me and back to Drake, confused.

I chuckled inside.

The school bell ring, I knock on the desk in front of me and said loudly enough for the students to hear: "Class will be starting, quiet down now."

Everyone became silent and turn their attention to me. I continued, "Okay, since you all already paying attention now. Shall we begin class?"

I clasp my hand.

"I'm sure all of you know my name, but I'll re-introduce myself." I bow with my hand on my chest and the other on my back, "I'm Mr. E or Ra."

The student stays silent as they see me bow to them, confused. The princes look surprised at the way of my bow.

'Ah. Oops, this is the empire's way of bowing.'

I straighten my back and walk back to my desk. I move away so they didn't notice I just made a mistake, "Take out your books and open chapter Ⅰ: Magic..."



While I was drawing a magic circle on the board, I heard a giggle. Turning around and saw Castor flirting with a girl. Everyone who was taking notes stops. I teleported behind Castor.

"If you have time for playing wouldn't be best to pay attention to class rather flirting. Sir Elaerenth and lady Gradal."

Both of them startled at me appearing behind their back. Castor exclaimed, "When did you come here!"

Everyone looks at us, the two princes, Alizeh, and Drake was surprised at me appearing behind them. I look at them confused, "When? Isn't obvious."

Flustered he stutters at his word, "I-I mea-"

I cut off his words, "I'm a magic teacher, and I don't like any disruption in my class. You came here to study. Not.." I glare at the both of them, "Playing."

Both of their faces turn red. The capture targets frown at me and glare except for Rian and Drake, they understand what I'm saying but don't agree on the way I handle it. Everyone snickered, I return to my spot and clapped my head to take their attention.

"What I just said aren't for them only but. Everyone. Else."

The students stop laughing. I nodded and continue to finish the magic circle. After finishing the magic circle, I started to explain the way it works.

The bells ring, I closed my book and look front, "Class over, I hope you've been paying attention since it'll be in the monthly exam."

The students immediately grunted at the monthly exam that will come. Even though it's still far but time won't stop for you. The students pack their things and started to walk towards the door to their next class.

A thought came to my mind.

"Are you guys going to your history class?" I asked.

The students look at me some of them nodded or say yes. I sigh, "I will only tell you guys this." Everyone looks at me confused, "Your teacher is Mr. Cayden Zuidinyth."

The girl's face immediately looks excited, Cayden is popular among the female students because of his good body and handsome face. Even though he a little bit cold and mean but with his handsome face he was forgiven like.. seriously.

The boys looked at me even more confused. I walk towards the door and wave, "I heard from a little bird, that the monthly exam will be about the Icreoyanait empire's history."

The students move pause.

Before closing the door, I look back at them and say, "Good luck~"

I closed the door and heard their scream of despair.


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