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|A/N: This is a special update or a Special Chapter for this month's Valentine's Day. I Hope You all enjoying it.


Warning!!! Explicit details WILL be in this chapter.

ADVICE FOR ALL READERS to read with caution. If you don't like pa pa pa scene, then please skip this chapter. |


Cayden P.O.V

A dream.

A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

Or, to be exact.

A representation of the unconscious desires and wishes.

"But truly I never thought I would dream about that.."

"About what Cayden?" A soft androgynous sound next to him.

Glancing beside, I noticed Mr. E observing me with a tilt of his head. I shook my head, dismissing any inquiry.

He nodded, his fluffy pink hair bouncing,

'It's pink today.' I thought to myself.

Returning my focus to grading the 11th-year assignments, a sudden intrusion occurred when a pink strand of hair obstructed my view.

I gently placed my hand on his head, questioning, "What are you doing Mr. E?" I asked.

"I'm Bored," He replied with a playful tone. "So let me help you, for a bit."

I furrowed my brow, politely declining, "I appreciate the offer, but I can handle it."

Mr. E crossed his arms, expressing mild exasperation. "Geez~~," he sighed, tilting his head as his hair transformed into its usual brown shade. "I genuinely wanted to help. Humor me for a bit Cayden."

His long, slender white neck came into view as he tilted his head, now clad in a white collared shirt instead of his typical black neck sweater—damaged because a student mishap made his usual sweater burn.

Gazing at the slender neck, my eyes shadowed with a thought.

A thought that should never have appeared, evoking a reaction that stained his mind into red.

A sinuous thought.

"So do you accept it?"

Snapping back to reality, I turned to him, took a deep breath, and conceded, "Alright, I suppose you'll persist in pestering me."

Content with my surrender, Mr. E promptly seized the opportunity, saying with delight, "Hehe, you know me so well."

I hummed in response as the thought lingered in my mind.






3rd POV

Entering his room, Cayden shrugged off his coat, letting it casually drop to the floor to deal with it later. He laid down on his mattress, allowing the approaching sleepiness to envelop him.

Closing his eyes, he surrendered to the darkness that veiled his consciousness. Just as he was on the verge of slipping into a peaceful slumber, a faint creaking of a door and the subtle thud of footsteps approaching caught his attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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