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|For this chapter, we'll be on Cayden P.O.V cause why not ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ |

'Why did I did that for?!.'

I walked away from them, I felt my face burning up when I remembered what I just did and say. Then remembering his highness was there,

'Damn it.'

I know that was a bit rude to his highness since I'm sure he was accompanying Mr. E. He is his student, after all, but he was walking too close.

And what's up with Mr. Cayden?

Didn't he just call me by my name, yesterday? Why come back to 'Mr. Cayden'?

I sigh don't know what to do.

Maybe I should... 


But if I didn't there won't be any progress between me and him.

I ruffled my hair in frustration.

I arrived at my class when the bell rings since I don't have any class until lunchtime. I sat on a chair, lit up a cigarette, and stare at the window.

The first time that I met him was a month before school started...



"Everyone meet the new magic instructor," Clyde introduced.

A person with a mask walks forwards and introduces himself, as Mr. E. His voice was soft and androgynous; it will be hard to tell his gender if he didn't wear the male uniform.

Everyone welcomes him warmly and chats with him, I greeted him and left.

I thought he was just a normal person, that will not pique my interest.

But I was wrong.

5 months had passed, there weren't many things you know about him, the only thing you know is basic information and maybe the fact that he is an S-ranked adventurer.

The fourth-year had a hard time beating him in the field, well he's an S-ranked adventurer after all. The female teachers tried to talks to him but his responses always cut the conversation shorts.

Perhaps out of curiosity made me interested in him.

From time to time, I pay attention to him.

But the more I pay attention to him, the more I found myself lost.

I slowly noticed small things about him and the little habits he does that he may not realize.

Tilting his head if he was confused, tapping on his chin if he was thinking, he would often get distracted and space out, if he gets shy his eyes would go everywhere, and many more.

I don't understand what I'm feeling towards him, it is like or something else.

I sigh while going over the student's scores.

"What are you sighing for?" A voice appears behind me.

I look behind me and saw Mr. E there. I froze a bit before turning away, "The evaluation score of the students for this month's exam."

"Oh, what is the average score for everyone?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"20," I said while moving my chair to give him some space.

He stiffens before looking at the paper, "The highest score..."

I gave him the paper and answered, "20."

He checks the paper and sighed while putting down the paper. I raised an eyebrow at him, he puts his chin on his hand and said, "If I were you I would rather become a math teacher than a history teacher."

I frowned a bit and asked, "Why's that?"

He stared at me with a look of 'Isn't that obvious?'

"There's no way the students could answer this question when only a few scholars can answer it." He points his finger at me, "Why don't you switch subject with Mr. Nagalla," He added while nodding his head, "Good idea, that way the students will have a good reason to complain."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Isn't the math class at the main building.

If I were to switch, how can I meet you?

"I choose which subject I want to teach."

The math class is far from the magic class since it's situated on the main building, while the magic class is located on the left building with the history class.

"Do whatever you-," He paused for a moment before leaning towards me.

I turn stiff when he leans towards me before I could ask. He leans back and asked, "Do you by any chance smoke Mr. Zuidinyth?"

I nodded and asked, "Is something wrong?"

He answered, "You know it's bad for your health," He looked down a bit.

He looked up at me with worrying eyes as if looking at something or someone, "Doesn't it hurts?"

A wind flew past the window, making the white curtains flutter in a tranquil manner. The wind swayed his hair, soon the sun glow peeks through the moving white curtains pouring into him.

The evening sun glow blends into his brown-color hair.

He raised his hand to shield his hair from the wind and tuck it behind his ear. He slightly tilted his head and looked at me. His eyes bent into a beautiful curve as if his smiling under that mask.







I looked down and saw 3 cigarettes near the ashtray, make it 4 with the almost finish cigarette in my hand.


At least I knew now.


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