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"Too slow," I said while avoiding the incoming fireball

I used my wind magic to make my presence disappear, I appeared behind them, they reacted and moved away from me. "Good, but not enough."

I snap my finger, the atmosphere temperature drop, and ice started to merge from the ground. Locking their movements, they tried to break free using fire magic but I appear behind their leader and summon an icicle almost piercing their neck. I put the back of the knife onto the leader's neck.

"Match's over!" a voice echoed throughout the training ground.

I deactivate my magic and put down the knife. The students fall onto the ground tired after the training, they were all breathing heavily. One of the girls whine, "Mr. Ra can you give us girls some slack!"

"Yeah! treat us more gently," another girl protest.

I stare at them for a while before tilting my head, "No~."

The students could see the smile under my mask, which makes them more irritated by the fact they can't see it.

"If it's going to be like this, I rather choose to hear your lectures." A boy said while sighing.

I walk and grabbed a bottle, "And who said that they finally can be free from the lectures."

Everyone said in unison: "..We did..."

I nod my head and drink my bottle from a straw, "Good." I continued, "And besides this will be your last year."

The student grumbles.

A girl put her chin on her hand, "Mr. E you never sweat do you? or you're not human?"

I looked at her and pause my movement, "H-how did you find out I wasn't human?"

Everyone looks at me shocked, "REALLY!?"

"I'm an angel that had fallen into this mortal world," I said jokingly while hugging myself. 'Well, if my family were here they would totally agree.'

The students look at me with disgust and a student mumbles, "...Thought you were a devil.."

Everyone heard it and they all laugh. 

A boy then said, "Mr. E quick question."

"Shoot," while doing the finger gun.

"We know that you use magic to change the color of your hair, right?" he said and I nod. "And you use a mask because it looks good on you." I nodded. 

He stares at me curiously, "What do you truly look like? Without the magic and the mask that is."

Everyone looks at him and stares back at me curiously. I put down my bottle, "Whatever you think I look like."

Everyone looked at me disappointed with my answer, one of the students want to say something but the school bells ring.

I clapped my hand, "Okay, schools over. I hope you guys have a lovely day of learning today." I walk back to the school while waving at them, "Don't forget to train your magic."

The students bow their heads and said their thanks.

As I passed the library, I heard a mumble. I look at the sound and found the capture targets looking dead except for prince Rian. I walk in and hear Castor complaining,

"Why? We just started school, this is the first day of school," he complained.

Leon who has his face at the table looked at Rian and said, "How can you continue studying."

Rian didn't look at him but continue on reading, "Shouldn't you got used to it already?"

Alizeh who was quiet talks, "But your highness isn't the Icreoyanait empire's history is very long, we only got a month to remember everything. Shouldn't lord Zuidinyth give us something easier?"

Drake was sitting with his body leaning on the chair with a book on top of his face. The four capture targets look tired, it's a funny scene to look at. I walk near them and they didn't notice me. I walk behind Alizeh as he was the nearest one, 

"I kinda agree with that."

The capture targets were startled by my sudden appearance. They all have wide eyes and an expression saying 'Where did you come from?'. I took a sit on an empty chair beside Alizeh. I put my chin on my hand, "Mr. Cayden should cut you guys some slacks, to be honest."

If the fourth year heard that, they would throw Eira outside the window.

They all look at me weirdly. Drake who was dead look alive and was staring at me searching for something.

I turn my attention to Drake and said, "Hello, we meet again lord Slerith."

His eyes sparkle when he saw my eyes and nods his head. Everyone else saw his eyes sparkle when we made eye contact. Leon, "Umm... Mr. E, when did you come here?"

I turn my head towards Leon and Drake pouts a little, "Just now."

Leon looks at Drake who was pouting a second ago and looked back at me, "Uhh... What are you doing here?"

"Sitting," I replied while tilting my head.

Castor, "We could see that but why are you here?"

I responded, "I was passing by and heard you talking about the Icreoyanait empire's history." I lean back, "He sure knows how to make the students suffer."

Prince Rian looks at me and frowns a little bit, "I've heard from Mr. Zuidinyth that you came from the empire. Is that true?"

I answered, "Yes, I do came from the empire."

Everyone looked at me surprised. Rian wanted to ask something but I stand up and walk away from them, "Schools over, you all should go to your dorms now. Don't stay up too late."

The capture targets wanted to stop me, "Wait Mr. R-"

"Bye~" I cut them off and teleport to the teacher lounge.

I grabbed my bag and left the teacher's lounge to head to my apartment.


Little Theater

A student walks to Eira, "Mr. E, you forgot your bottle!"

Eira stops, "Oh, thank you."

The student gave Eira his bottle and saw the bottom of the bottle a word saying 'Students tears'.

Student: (・–・)

Eira looks at his bottle and walks away.

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