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I fell into a daze, as the sunlight fell softly against my skin. I slowly closed my eyes.

Special someone.

Someone who knows you better than anyone else. Someone who accepted your every flaw of imperfections. Someone you can say 'I Love You' without getting tired. Someone you can love until your last breath.

A partner, a lover, a soulmate.


A blurry male figure appeared in my mind, unfamiliar yet familiar. Wearing a three-piece black suit standing with his back. The figure slowly turns as if noticing someone behind before I could see its face it suddenly overlapped with a familiar figure.

"ץ̴̧̲̭̻̘̤̹̫̌͛͛̓̎̏̂̄͋͗̇̀͗̔͠ͅσ̴̢̢̭͉̫̞̪̳̺̼̰͎̎̏�̷̡̛̯̬̬̖̞̦̩̮̇̋̉̀͌̈́͒̈́̈́̈́̚͘�̸̨̛̰͙̫̳̻̳̤͎̹̪̺̓̄̓͑̉̉̇̽͆̽̕̕͘͝ͅя̷̢͓̳̫̹̽̆̊̈́̿͛͂͑̈́̄̚͘̕ ̷̡̨̠̖͈͕̹̗̒̇̉͑̈́͘͜͝ร̷̨̨̛͖̣͓̲͖͉͇͙͍̩͂̇ք̴̮̰͕̗͎̘̗͕̦̲͕̠̑͆̃̿͆̄̆̿̄ค̶̢͚̣̦͓͙͚̪̱͉͙͎̏̀͘ς̷̢̺̤͙̲̒́̑̀̈́̿͐̔̄̽̕เ̶̢̨̛̘̖͈͎̞͎̲̾̏̍̅̅̌̈͐̊̀̓͠ͅภ̶̰̎̀͂̂͌̈̽͘͘ﻮ̷̢͙̳̙̫̼̲̜̭͘͜ ̸̧̟̞̐̆́̎́͆̋̍̏̓͋̈́͘͘๏̵̛̖̝̯̫̲̼̥͓͎̪̄͒̆̌͛́̎̇͐͜͜͝ย̵͓̋̅̎̃̏͘�̸̨͙̞̞̖̘̲͈̲̗̯͇̌́̓̑́͂̒̔͊͘͝�̴̛̣͗̈́͒̂͝ ̵̙̥̀̾̌̈̉̃̔̑̂͘ค̷̠̖̺̬̣̺̱̒̾̔ﻮ̶̢̙̳͓͓̜̦̫͎̭̠͊̈́̊͆̋̏̓̾͒̃͛͝͝ค̸͉̓̆̓̈̈́͐ι̵̧̨̛̜̮͎̮̪̼̇͋̏̈́̇͋̀̈́̆͂͌̈͋ภ̶̘͍̯̳̮̮̪̣͈̜͒͒̂̀̃͐͘͝͝.̴̧̨̧͕̱̘̘̙̯̺̩̖̥̥̟̈́"̸̞͉̈͂̾̇̇́̚"

My eyes shot open and sat up, "That-"


I jolted at the sudden sound, I looked up and saw a fluffy white creature. Its fluffy white fur glistens under the daylight.

It was my other familiar, Aglaia.

Aglaia sat there swaying its fluffy tail, her yellow orb staring at mine. She stood up sighing, "That snake doesn't know when to stop."

Snake? Oh, Adder...

I felt the corner of my mouth slightly curve up.

"Then you should accept it if you want it to stop." I chuckled while Aglaia made her way to me.

Her tail flicks showing her irritated mood, "I don't like him, why would I accept him."

She jumps on top of my lap, laying her head on my chest. I caressed her head. Not long after, a hiss sounded in the room. Aglaia growled causing the room temperature to suddenly drop to below 0, the window started to show signs of freezing.

If Iris or the maids were here, they will certainly be frozen.

Aglaia glared at the white snake who just arrived, "Go away, snake."

Adder slithered around my arm, "Hiss don't wanna."

"Stop following me!" She said in an annoyed voice.

"Don't wanna."

Aglaia snarled, "Why?"

Adder looked at her and said with ease, "Because I like you."

Aglaia's ear twitch, a magic circle appeared on top of her then she disappeared.

She went to the spirit world.

The room turns to its normal state as if nothing just happens.

Adder made a happy hiss sound. I chuckled, "Why do you always tease her?"

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