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Arriving at my apartment, I slumped down next to the bed. I could still feel the warmth from his hand on my head. It was just a pat and a gentle smile, like the usual. Well not technically the smile but it's just a smile.

'Why am I like this? He did this all the time except the smile but...'

I tousled my hair and stand up to take a shower. After taking the shower and changing into new clothes. I dried my hair and lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes to sleep and forget it but my mind lingers to the gentle smile.

My face suddenly became hot, 'Don't think about it!'


Morning came, and I slept rather not peacefully. I got up, showered, get dressed, prepared my stuff, and eats breakfast. I head towards the school.

Arriving there, I go to the teacher's lounge and didn't saw Cayden at his desk. I let out a breath of relief and prepare for my homeroom.

Walking to the class, I saw many students talking with each other in groups, playing with magic, running to their friends or their class.

While walking I saw a student with brown hair standing near a fountain. The girl seems to watch the birds flying as she turns her head towards me. 

Purple eyes that shine like amethyst, it's the heroine.

Anya Esturlach.

She was surprised at seeing me. She bows her head and hurries to leave. Her eyes when they met mine, she seem to look at somewhere else. I shrug it off and turn my face the other way, I turned my face and met with prince Rian's face.

I froze a bit before speaking, "Geez, you scared me."

He steps back a little and apologized, "Sorry, Mr. E. I didn't mean to do it, I just happen to be walking here and saw you standing."

"Is that so," I added, "Well, why don't we head to class together."

He nodded his head and we both started walking. We walk through the corridors that connect the two buildings.

As we walk Rian asked, "Mr. E, what do you think is the reason why his imperial highness Aldric chooses his imperial majesty Anax Icreoyanait?" He added, "Well since you were interrupted by the bell."

I gave him a side-glance before asking, "Are you that curious?"

Rian answered, "Yes, since you're very..."

I turn my head in his direction, "Very?"

Rian shook his head, "Nevermind."

"Sure.." I look forward, "Mine's a bit weird, are you okay with that?"

"That's fine," Rian nods his head, "Everyone thinks differently after all."

"Great," I continued, "From what I think it was a bet between his imperial highness Aldric Reosian and his imperial majesty Anax brother, Agatha Icreoyanait."

His eyebrows raise, a bit surprised, "A bet?"

I answered, "Yes, Agatha Icreoyanait or should I say Agatha Reosian made a little bet with his imperial highness Aldric," I explained, "Since it was written in history, his imperial highness Agatha seems to like making bets and they knew each other."

He nodded but frowns even more, "I see, but I don't see what bet would imperial highness Agatha would make..."

I looked at him and smiled under the mask, "I think is very clear what bet it is."

Rian looked at me confused. I continued to walk ignoring his confused look. He wanted to say something, but suddenly, Cayden walked by.

Act normally.

"Oh Mr. Cayden, good morning," I greeted him.

"Good morning Mr. E," He greets back but frowns a bit when he looks at Rian and bows, "..And your royal highness."

Rian bows a little, "Sir Zuidinyth."

I looked at the two before looking towards Cayden, "What are you doing here?"

He turns his attention to me and walks, "I left something in here."

"How odd for Mr. Cayden to left his stuff, what was it?" I asked while tilting my head.

He stopped right in front of me and pats my head, "This."


He walked away leaving the two, but unknown to Eira when Cayden pats his head, he glared at Rian.

I looked at his disappearance back and turn my head towards my class. I bolted out of there while covering my mouth with my backhand, Rian looked at me wanting to say something but closed his mouth and follows me.

I pursued my lips under my mask, 

'What's wrong with him?!.'


| Yeah... Bye. |

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