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The next morning...




I smiled stiffly seeing my older siblings disagreeing with me leaving to become a teacher.

"Father! You can't be serious!" Liam said as he slammed father's desk.

My father sigh and answered, "Yes, it's his decision, not mine. If you please, please calm down."

Liam puts his hand back, walks back, sits back down next to me. Iris hugs me tightly and retorts, "You can't! He just got home for 2 months now."

"Big sis it's my choice," I said while caressing her arm around my neck.

My older siblings looked at me and Ethan replied, "Why? What's wrong? Can't you stay here, we already agreed of you being an adventure. Why would you want to become a teacher?"

I look at my father and nodded, "Well, you see..."

After explaining why I want to become a teacher. They ask questions if they did something wrong or something. I answered they did nothing and this is my choice. After a while, they back down and allow me to become a teacher.

I walk down to my room and tripped on something, before I fall and hurt myself an arm catch me. I look up and saw Jay, my guard.

Usually, only ladies have their guard to protect them

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Usually, only ladies have their guard to protect them. But since my overprotective family, I had been assigned a guard. "Thanks, Jay."

Jay let go of me and take out a note saying, 'Be careful.'

Jay is mute but he had good reflex and perception. He came from the slums, my father found him on the verge of death. He trains hard to repay my family for saving him. He will be turning 26 turns this year.

"I will." I smiled at him.

Jay's ear becomes a little red because he is very shy, he flips the note 'Doing something?'

I nodded and said, "I'll be staying here for a month before going to Wreawyth kingdom on the west."

He flips his note again, 'Why?'

I continue my walk towards my room while Jay follows behind me, "To become a teacher in 'Astral Lammia Academy'."

Jay pause before walking fast to stand in front of me. He flips his note again looking like a sad puppy, 'Can't protect you?'

I giggled at his reaction and nodded. He looks at me even sadder and flips his note, 'Come?'

I gave him a look that means that he can't come, "Sorry."

His note fall and became a depressed puppy. I chuckled and pat his head, "Why don't you guard this place instead?"

He glances up at me and grabbed his note, 'Can?'

I smiled and nodded, "Of course, you are strong."

He stands up, looks at his hand, he clutches his hand determined to protect this territory.

I clapped at him, he bows and leaves punching his fist into the air, I stand there before walking towards my room to start planning and send a letter to Clyde.

After doing all that, for the whole month, I spend with my family and maybe do some missions so I won't get rusty. Me and Ethan do some duel together, helping Liam and father do some work, and enjoying tea time with my mother and sister.

After a month had passed by, my family said goodbye to me and saying don't forget to visit them or send a letter. I sat on the carriage and wave goodbye to them. The carriage moves and heads towards the Wreawyth kingdom, where the otome game will start in 2 years.

And I will start my career as a teacher.


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