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|A/N: I'm back from the dead! 

Sorry if you guys have been waiting for an update. Something happened and I got sick. But I wanted to update since it's been two months since I last updated.

Please enjoy this chapter ^-^!|

"Good afternoon Mr. E."

A student greeted me in the hallways. I nodded at them in response continuing to walk.

Walking in the school corridor, students popped out and greeted me while on their way to class or the bathroom.

Right now, I don't have any classes to teach. I usually spend my time walking around the school or practicing to waste time. It'll be boring if you only stayed in class all the time.

"Mr. E!" A female voice called out.

I turn around and saw two girls walking together. One girl has blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, the other has a lovely shade of green hair with pink eyes.

I quickly recognized the blond girl which is the villainess, Amara. While the green hair girl, Ellian Trixailia.

Ellian Trixailia is the childhood friend of the villainess

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Ellian Trixailia is the childhood friend of the villainess. She defended Amara until the end despite everything she have done.

"Mr. E, do you happen to know where Mr. Cayden is?" Amara asked as she arrived in front of me.

Returning to my senses, I shook my head, "Sorry, haven't seen him yet."

Amara furrowed her eyebrow, "I see."

Ellian stared at me before opening her mouth while raising one of her eyebrows, "Yet?"

"Hm?" I looked at Ellian confused tilting my head a bit, "Yes...?"

Ellian wanted to open up her mouth but was quickly covered by Amara's hand. Amara glared at Ellian before looking at me, "Please don't mind her Mr. E."

I nodded my head.

'I wonder what Ellian wanted to say.'

Amara held her friend and bowed to me, "Then we'll be going-"

"What are you searching me for?"

Me, Amara, and Ellian looked behind me and saw Cayden walking toward us.

'Hm..?' I glanced at my watch, 'On time, again.' I smiled at Cayden.

Did I...

Cayden came, standing beside me, he raised one of his eyebrows. Snapping to reality, I turned to the two girls and found that Amara's hand had a slight vein bulging out of it while covering Ellian's mouth. While Ellian has sparkling eyes, eyeing both of us.

Amara spoke up in a rather hopeless voice, "Mr. Zheamurin asked if you can substitute him for PE today."

Cayden's brows furrowed, "Andrew?" He sighed, "Did something happen to him?" He asked with a slightly disappointed voice.

I tilted my head slightly, curiously. You both sounded disappointed in sir Zheamurin.

Isn't he a good teacher?

Ellian grabbed Amara's hand, removing it, she rolled her eyes, "He went on a date with another woman."

I take back what I said.

But '...Another woman'? 

Wow, just wow.

Cayden sighed and agreed to it.

Achieving their purpose, Amara and Ellian left.

After they left, Cayden sighed again while frowning. Closing his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. I glanced at him before clicking my heels, "You should hurry up and check the curriculum for PE."

Cayden opened up his eyes, gazing his eyes on my eyes. He raised his hand and pats my head.

'Is it me or do you really like patting my head?'

"Mr. E."

He spoke softly.

I looked up and found him quietly looking his eyes at me, softly. His deep black eyes gazed straight into my greyish blue ones, as they held an unexplainable emotion.

I felt a chill in my spine, my cheeks turning red under the gaze, I instinctively looked away. I pretended to chough, "Ahem, Mr. Cayden shouldn't you go--"

"Mr. E do you have time after school?"


Before I could think, Cayden spoke again while holding my hand, "I hope you can spare some time." He said in a very soft tone.


'What is happening?! W-Wait, m-m-maybe Cayden needed help with something. Yes! That must be correct.'



Before I could answer a familiar high-pitched boy voice sounded,

"Mr. Zuidinyth everyone is ready!"

We both turn to look at the source of the sound. And found Castor waving his hand while running to us from afar.

I quickly took my hand back from Cayden's grasp, not noticing how is Cayden glaring fiercely at Castor.

Out of nowhere, Ellian emerged behind Castor, running towards him at an amazing speed with a very scary look. She grabbed Castor's collar and started to strangle him.


Quickly Amara appeared and hold Ellian back. Ellian tried to free herself from Amara to beat up Castor, somehow Ellian looks like a beast trapped in a cage trying to break free. Castor looked at Ellian with a terrified face while saying something at her, Ellian growled at him and say something back.

Amara looked tired as she hold her friend down.

'What hell is going now?!'

While Eira is in a confusion, Cayden glanced at Eira then looked at Ellian with an approving look.

Before the situation got any worse, I pulled at Cayden's clothes, forgetting what had just happened.

Cayden turn his head at me and raised an eyebrow. I tip-toed myself while Cayden lowers himself for me, I whispered to him, "You should go and stop them before Ellian tries to murder Castor."

Cayden's eyes shows a glint then whispered to my ear, "What if I don't?"

I glared at Cayden, "What do you mean by If I Don't." I lightly hit Cayden and pushed him, "Go! And stop them before anything worse happen. You're their teacher!"

"But I'm the-"

I cut him off, "You're substituting Mr. Zheamurin's class! You're the PE teacher, Now go!"

He turns around and pats my head, "Okay, Wi..." He mumbled something in the end.

"What did you say?"

Cayden waves back, "Nothing."

"I'll be back."


| A/N: I'm very sorry if this chapter seems weird. I was having a writer-block while writing it T^T

Anyways I'm going back to my coffin and continuing to be dead.

Bye~~~ (ꈍᴗꈍ) |

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