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The next day, like usual I wore a thin black turtleneck under the teacher's uniform, not forgetting to wear the mask. I grabbed my bag and left. Walking on the streets, I saw many shops preparing to sell their stuff. People walking towards their work. Carriages passing by.

I entered the school field, I saw many students walking to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. While on the way to the teacher's lounge I met with the other teacher. I arrived at the teacher's lounge and head towards my desk.

"Good morning, Mr. E," Cayden greeted me. He sat at his desk holding a piece of paper.

I greet back, "Good morning to you too, Mr. Cayden."

He stood up, walks towards me, and stops at an arms-length way, "I heard you told your students about the monthly exam."

I step back a little, "Oh my, you find out."

He frowns a little bit, "Didn't I say I'll make it easy for them, why tell them?"

"Because you're definition of  'easy' and they're is different," I answered in a cheery voice.

"..Is that so..." He grabs his book and left.

I wave my hand at him and turns to grab my attendance book.

"Wow, you sure are brave Mr. E," A woman voice said.

"Really?" I ask and turn my head to the voice. 

There I saw Mrs. Pollian Cuisal.

 Pollian Cuisal

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"Yeah, Mr. Zuidinyth doesn't usually like people telling him things," she said as she puts her hand on her cheeks. "And he doesn't allow anyone to call him by his name."

I answered her with a hum and left the teacher's lounge to head to my classroom. I Arrived in the classroom when the bells ring, perfect timing.

The students came and sit at their desks, the four capture targets arrived. I did their attendance list after that the students chat with their friends. The capture targets were staring at me.

I ignore their stares and closed the attendance book, "Did you guys have any problem on your first day of school?"

Everyone looks at me and answers me with a no. I nodded my head, "Okay then, is there anything you guys didn't understand on a particular subject?"

The students ponder a little bit, a few seconds later Rian raised his hand and answered, "History lesson, about the Icreoyanait empire's history."

"Which part will that be, your royal highness?" I asked while putting my hand on the desk.

"The reason why his imperial highness Aldric supported his imperial majesty Anax as the first emperor as his brothers are much more competent?" He asked.

This question has always been asked and many professors answered differently to what they all believe. No one actually knew about the answer even the Reosian's. The game also didn't tell much about the empire, the only information was just they were the only empire.

It's a mystery to everyone.

Except for the book that is hidden under the Reosian's mansion underground library. It is written in 'Aldric's Diary Ⅴ', I found it when I was little while playing hide & seek with my brothers.

Don't know how I get there.

I nod at his question and look at him in the eyes, "Well, there are many answers to that question." I answered, "Many believe it was because of his imperial highness Aldric chooses his imperial majesty Anax Icreoyanait to stay in the safe zone." I walk around the classroom, "Or to some people says his imperial highness Aldric chooses his imperial majesty Anax because he was the easiest to 'watch' as he had no support at that time."

The students gasp at me but I continued, "Of course it is not true." I added, "In the empire, we were told his imperial highness Aldric choose his imperial majesty Anax because they both were friends."

The students nod because it was the most reasonable answer. I continue to walk behind the classroom, "But that is only speculation because no one had the answer."

I stopped facing backward, "Even the Reosian family didn't know the answer." I turn around and continue walking, "But.."

I stopped at prince Rian's desk and stare straight into his eyes, "It was a-"


I teleported back to in front of the class and clap my hand to catch the student's attention. The student's head turns in my direction, "Homeroom over, please prepare for your next class that is." I took the attendance book and left.

The students froze in their spots couldn't react in time. They were all focused on what I'm saying. Even the capture targets were frozen in their seats.

They were all left confused and curious as to what is the answer.

I wonder how did the five become the strongest people.




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