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--- A Month Later ---

After leaving the teacher lounge, I walked through the hallways and saw many students running towards the ranking board. Last week, the monthly exam was carried out.

Many of the teachers were quite impressed by the first years because they all score very high compare to the past years.

But they were all more surprised by Mr. Cayden. They all thought the students wouldn't have a passing score, but now they all have a decent score.

They all celebrated happily.

Now that I think about it, I wonder why everyone in the teacher's room patted me on the shoulder while saying, "You work hard".


I think I know why...

I continue to walk and saw a bunch of students gathering whispering. The students gather around near the ranking board. Curiously, I walk towards the board.

Arriving there I saw many students trying to see their rank, many stood on their toes to see their rank. Not far from the place I stand, I saw the capture targets and the heroine standing in front of the board.

'Oh~ the game is starting.'

From the crowd, I saw a blond-haired girl walking towards the board. The girl has beautiful ocean blue-colored eyes that look like a gem.

The villainess, Amara Auvrehan.

All the actors have arrived.

The otome game of 'Astral Lammia Academy: Dream or Love' had officially begun.

Amara looked at the ranking board and saw her name in third place. Her eyes move up to the second place and saw the name, Anya Esturlach.

The students whisper around how can the prince's fiance be in third place while a baron daughter took second place.

She clenched her hand and left the place hurriedly. Her followers glanced at the heroine before following Amara.

Everyone watched as the prince's fiance and her followers left.

After she left the place with her followers. The students started to snicker, mocking her and talk behind her. Saying she deserves it. The bell rings but the students didn't hear it and continue to talk to each other. The capture targets still stayed here talking with Anya.

I sighed, what a bunch of idiots.

I walk out and saw Cayden, these few days Cayden has been acting a little out of the ordinary. He began to talk to me more than usual and came to school a bit early than he does.

"Hello Mr. Cayden," I said while bowing a little.

He bows back, "Hello, Mr. E," and added, "What are you doing here? The school bells just ring."

I pointed at the place where the students at, "I found some little brats still lingering around," I put my hand next to my cheek, "I wonder what should I do?"

Cayden stretched his hand out to pat my head while lowering his eyes to meet mine, "Just do whatever you do."


No, he's not acting a bit out of the ordinary.


'I'm really glad that I'm wearing a mask.' 

Oh, my heart.

I turn my head towards the students, "Should I use gravity magic?"

He retracted his hand raising an eyebrow, "You can use gravity magic?"

"I'm the academy magic instructor," I answered.

He nodded his head, "Right, you are the 'Mysterious Unbeatable Magic Instructor'."

"And you're the 'Historian Devil'," I retort back before walking away.

As Eira walks back Cayden lets out a low chuckle before following him.

Standing at the spot where mana could be easier to utilize to cover the students. I raised one finger to prepare the gravity magic. Mana in the air started to move to the students, covering them.

The gravity magic that I'll be using is something my elder sister Iris taught me. It creates the gravity inside the magic circle to increase, crushing those who were inside.

A large magic circle suddenly appeared below and over the students. 

I slowly moved my finger down. 

The students notice the magic circle below them but before they could react. The magic circle suddenly glow then a heavy pressure fell on them, causing all of them to fell. The capture targets and the heroine were half crouching resisting the sudden pressure.

I smirked, 'How amazing~~.'

Wondering how much can they resist the pressure, I continue to move my finger down increasing the pressure. The students felt they could be crushed by the pressure. The capture targets and the heroine fell, exhausted.

Behind Eira, Cayden watches the whole process in amazement. The corner of his mouth couldn't help to slightly rise, 'As expected.'

I noticed one of the students started to pale, I slowly reduce the pressure around the students.

Cayden saw the magic circle started to fade, he walks in front of me and spoke, "The bell had rung a while ago, class already started."

His deep voice echoed through the hallways.

I lowered my hand and deactivate the magic. The students felt the pressure on them disappeared and looked at the source of the deep voice. 

"Now, I hope you all will go to your classes or perhaps the next class since the next bell will ring," I spoke.

The students were shocked as they saw the two teachers, they all froze in their spot.

Cayden's face darkens, "Are you all going to your classes or sit around here while we put it on your report."

Hearing that, the students stiff for a second before standing up and run to their classes.

After they all disperse, Cayden took the lead to ask if we can walk together, I agreed since both of our classes is in the same building. We started to walk,  talking here and there, then the second bell ring and we already arrived at the left building.

We separated way while going to the magic class I remember that I haven't visited my family in a long time.

'I should visit them this weekend.'


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