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|A/N: *Does a cartwheel on the coffin*


"Sniff. I'-I'M REA-Sniff-LLY SORRY AMARA!!!!!"

"It's fine."


Oh, dear.

Inside the infirmary room, Amara sat on the bed as the academy nurse carefully dressed her wounded leg. The nurse, cleaned and bandage the wound, doing her best to minimize any pain for Amara.

Meanwhile, Ellian, visibly distraught, stood nearby, tears streaming down his face, as she profusely apologise to Amara as she didn't know she was injured. Eira, a teacher, tries his best to calm the crying Ellian.

I wonder what happened?


Ara-ara, I should wonder how to calm her down instead.

After Amara got bandaged by the academy nurse, the nurse left the infirmary room to report to the academy Principal to call the duke about what have happen to Amara.

"Ellian," Eira spoke as he soothe her back.

Ellian sniffed hard as she looked up at Eira with her puffy red eyes still filled with tears, "W-hic..hat is it Mr. E?" she spoke with a croaked voice.

"Why don't you freshen up, then you both ladies can talk after I left."

Ellian then nods her head and left, leaving Eira and Amara alone. Eira looked at Amara before sitting down on a chair near the bed where Amara was sitting.

Now, how should I handle this situation?

Well, I can try to....

"..I'm sorry..."


That tiny voice that spoke an apology out of nowhere spoke inside the infirmary room. The voice was so small as if it doesn't want to be heard.

Eira looked at Amara who have her head down, her long straight beautiful blonde hair concealing her face, falling neatly against the white sheets. Down to her white pale hand that was holding the blanket very tightly.

"..I'm sorry...."

Eira sighed and took a seat on the bed next to her. He hummed while putting his hand on her shoulder, "No need for apologies. Accidents happen."

"..Accidents?" Amara said while tightening her hand against the white blanket making her knuckles turn whiter.

Eira nodded, he moved his hand from her shoulder to her hand and patted it. Amara loosened her hand as Eira patted her hand, "..I see, it does happen."

Eira stood up from his position and patted her head before heading towards the door, "It does Lady Amara." Heading towards the door Eira spoke, "You should take a break once in a while M'lady." He stops before turning his head towards her, "Do come and see me if you wish to talk."

Amara looked at Eira before nodding her head and hum in response,


"Good," Eira replied.

Eira nodded and opened the door and saw Ellian with her hand outstretched. Eira bend his eyes and nodded to Ellian. Ellian nodded back and entered the infirmary room. Eira left the infirmary room and head towards his class..

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