Twelve- Gerard Meets the Fam

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Frank looked up from writing when he heard a knock on the door. He pushed his journal under his pillow. "Come in."

It was Gerard. Despite how mad at him he was, Frank's heart fluttered at the sight of his gorgeous hazel eyes and those bitten pink lips.

"Hi," Gerard said softly. He stood next to Frank's bed. "I...I have no excuse for how I treated you. My parents threatened to pull me out of school if I kept talking to you, and I was...I was scared to lose you, I guess, so I kept my distance."

Frank's face softened. "I didn't know that, Gerard. You should have told me, or told Ray, or something. I would have understood, and we could have kept seeing each other secretly."

Gerard's lips twitched. "I felt guilty."

"You shouldn't. It's not you that's a dick, it's your family."

"I pushed you to anorexia."

"That was my own choice." Frank opened his arms. "Come here."

Gerard leaned down to hug Frank. He could feel the taller boy smiling against his shoulder.

"You know...we never really finished that kiss a few weeks ago," Frank muttered.

Gerard straddled him. "I think that can be arranged."

Frank sighed softly as Gerard kissed him. His eyes slid shut and he let himself relax under Gerard's soft touch, his warm hands cupping Frank's face. Frank pulled Gerard a little closer to him, rubbing up and down the black haired boy's back.

"You really think you love me?" Gerard asked, pulling away and kissing the tip of Frank's nose.

Frank smiled. "Yeah. I do."

Gerard sighed with happiness and wrapped his arms around Frank's neck, just holding him tight. Frank pressed soft kisses to his neck.

"Before..." Gerard started, his voice slightly muffled against Frank's neck. "Before we, like, become anything, I just want to let you know that I'm asexual. Well, graysexual."

Frank hummed. "Okay."

Gerard pulled away to look at him. "Okay? That's all of it?"

"That's all of it. I'm not gonna be upset at you for being who you are. And besides, if I get horny, I have two hands."

Gerard giggled and buried his face in Frank's neck again. "I'm not sex repulsed. I just get turned on naturally about once in a blue moon. You usually have to pull on my dick to turn me on."

"Sounds painful," Frank mumbled.

"Mhm." Gerard leaned down and kissed Frank again, parting his lips.

Everything was perfect.


"Can you stay there?" Frank asked, keeping his arm wrapped around Gerard's shoulder. He opened his nightstand drawer and grabbed his laptop.

Gerard wriggled closer and put his head on Frank's lap. "What're you doing?"

"Skypeing my mom. I've been texting her since I picked up my phone. She's really upset."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No, you can stay. I like playing with your hair." Frank ran his fingers through Gerard's hair, who sighed happily.

Frank opened Skype on his laptop and clicked on Linda Iero.

She answered immediately. Frank could see orange shining through the windows, which meant the sun was probably just rising. "Frank! I was so worried, are you okay?"

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