Nineteen- That One Fucking Paul McCartney Song

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"You're fucking insane, babe." Frank shook his head as he brought a plate of cookies into the living room. Gerard was following him close behind, whining.

"I'm not insane! Look at the lyrics!"

"I agree with Gerard," Linda said from the couch.

"Thanks for the support, Ma," Frank said, placing the cookies on the coffee table. He sat beside Linda on the couch and pulled Gerard into his lap.

Gerard tucked his legs up, typing on his phone. "See, see, look, it's 'the moon is right, the spirit's up.' The moon is right, full moon, that's super important in witchcraft and Wicca, and spirits, do I even have to explain that? And then- 'we're here tonight, and that's enough.' Some of the coven didn't show up because it's Christmas, but there's enough for their spell there. And then someone walks in, and that's why the chorus is so loud. Paul McCartney is a witch and I stand by that statement."

"Your logic is flawed and your evidence is flimsy." Frank flicked his forehead and stuffed a cookie into his mouth.

"Your mom agrees with me," Gerard said, pulling the cookie out of his mouth.

Frank rolled his eyes and put the cookie back in Gerard's mouth. He pulled him closer and kissed his shoulder blade. "What are we watching?"

Linda looked at Frank. "We have to."


"It's a tradition."

"No. You can't."

"What?" Gerard looked confused.

"Frank's first Christmas," Linda said. She picked up a silver disc with a title scrawled in black sharpie and popped it in the DVD player. Frank groaned. "It's a tradition. I watch it every year, and he usually sulks in his room, but now you're here, and he can't."

"I totally can, and I'll take Gerard with me."

"Shush, pretty boy, I wanna see your first Christmas."

Frank buried his face in Gerard's back, trying to escape the pain. He could hear the familiar sounds and Gerard awwing.

"Oh my good god, you're so cute." Gerard looked behind himself at Frank trying to sink out of existence. "You were adorable! What's not to love, Frankie? You're so cute!"

"No. It's gross, I was annoying and all I did was cry."

Gerard smacked the top of his head. "Shush."

"You guys are going to bed after this," Linda said. "No more cookies."

"What? But it's Christmas Eve! We can stay up late!" Frank protested.

"It's eleven thirty already, Frank." Linda crossed her legs. "You need to wake up early tomorrow to open presents. You guys wrapped everything, right?"

"Yes," they both said.


They sat in silence, watching the home movie. Linda relented at the end and let them stay up for one short movie. So they watched Frosty the Snowman, and then went to bed.

Frank couldn't get comfortable. He kept tossing and turning, and eventually, Gerard just pulled him on top of him.

"Stop moving," Gerard whispered. His eyes were still closed, but he held Frank close to his chest.

Frank nuzzled into Gerard's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too. Go to sleep."


Frank woke up, blinking and squinting in the daylight. Gerard wasn't in bed, but he could hear his voice downstairs. He sounded upset.

He sounded like he was crying.

Frank got dressed and walked downstairs. Gerard was sitting with his mom at the island, with his back to Frank. Linda looked up at Frank and smiled. "Morning, hon."

"Hi," Frank said. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just talking with Gerard."

Gerard sniffed a bit. Frank could tell he wiped his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, walking towards Gerard. Gerard turned away from him. "Gee?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it, Frankie. I'm just upset at my family."

"Gee, that's important." Frank turned Gerard toward him gently, wiping a tear that had tracked down his cheek. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Gerard shook his head. "We're supposed to be happy. It's Christmas."

"Baby, we can't be happy if you're faking it. Tell me what's wrong."

Gerard wiped his eyes. "Just some family issues. I'm okay, I promise."

Frank rubbed his thumb over his knuckles. "You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

Frank pressed a kiss to Gerard's fingers. "Okay."

"I made pancakes," Linda said.


Gerard was significantly happier after eating pancakes. For real. Frank could see it in his eyes.

They had some coffee and watched old family movies, which made Frank hide behind the tree and avoid pictures of himself as a baby, until they started opening presents.

Gerard gasped when he opened the pointe shoes. "The ones from the store!"

Frank smiled. "You like them?"

"Oh, I love them!" Gerard leaned over and kissed him. "I wanna wear them, but that will be catastrophic. Open yours now!"

Frank looked at Linda, who hadn't opened any gifts yet. She shrugged and smiled.

He opened the gift.

It was a small bag of things. More rings for his piercing, patches, cool rocks and crystals. But the most important thing was at the very bottom of the bag.

Gerard beamed as Frank pulled the key out. "What's this to?"

"My house in Florida. As long as it's okay with your mom, I want you to come with me for spring holidays."

Frank's head immediately whipped to Linda, because god did he want to go.

She nodded. "You can go. You better send me a postcard, though. And bring me back a cool rock."

"Fuck yes," Frank muttered. He kissed Gerard. "Thank you."

After the boys had finished opening their presents- which amounted to a very large pile of wrapping paper around Frank- Linda opened hers. She only had two, but technically four, because Frank wrapped the books individually.

"Very nice, very nice," she murmured, unwrapping the books. "I'm impressed, Frank. You managed to get ones I haven't read."

Frank shrugged and smiled.

Linda caught her breath when she unwrapped Gerard's present to her. His face was tense, as if he were worried she wouldn't like it.

"You didn't," she whispered.

"I pulled a few strings," Gerard said.

"What?" Frank looked between them, confused.

"Our house is paid off." Linda's voice was shaky. "No more mortgage payments."

"I'm so sorry if I offended you," Gerard said. "It wasn't my intention, but-"

Linda launched herself at him and hugged him tightly. Gerard seemed startled, but he hugged her back.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"We should change your last name to Pricolo," Frank remarked. "You're part of the family now."

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