Fourteen- Hometown

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The plane landed just as Gerard woke up. Frank quickly leaned over and kissed him while he still looked like that; loose and soft and adorable.

"Hi," Gerard croaked, rubbing his eyes. He stretched a bit.

"Hi." Frank smiled. "Ready? We're here."

"I'm ready." Gerard took his hand.

They waited a few minutes until they could leave the plane, then walked into the airport, holding their luggage.

"She said she'd be waiting as soon as we got past security," Frank said. "My mom. I'm warning you now, she's going to hug you. A lot."

Gerard smiled. "I don't get hugged a lot."

"Illegal." Frank stopped them right there in front of Cheesecake Factory and hugged him tightly.

Gerard sighed softly and let his arms wrap around Frank's waist. "Thank you."

"She gives even better hugs. Come on!"

Gerard ran after Frank, giggling with him. They got a lot of looks- two teens in the airport holding hands and running attracted a lot of attention.

"Okay," Frank said, scanning the area as they passed security. "You're taller than me, so look for her. She's holding a sign with our names."

"Over there? Frank and Gerard?"

"That should be her, hold on." Frank boosted himself onto his tiptoes. "Yep! Come on!"

Gerard followed him over shyly.

"Mama!" Frank hugged his mom. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Frankie! And Gerard, it's nice to meet you in person." Linda hugged Gerard tightly, too. "You boys ready?"

"Is Sweet Pea excited to see me?" Frank asked.

"She's been sleeping in your room," Linda said, leading the way out of the airport.

Gerard and Frank got in the back of her car. It was freezing in Jersey, so Frank snuggled into Gerard, burying his face into the fur lining of his jacket.

"You're so cute," Gerard murmured, stroking through Frank's hair.

"Are you guys, like, dating?" Linda asked, her eyes flicking to them in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah," Frank said softly. "You're so warm."

"How long is the ride?" Gerard asked.

"About fifteen minutes, why?" Frank asked.

"I have to piss," he whispered.

Frank laughed. "Soon."

The boys snuggled in the back until they got home. Linda unlocked the house, and they brought their luggage inside.

"Bathroom is right through there," Frank said, opening a door for Gerard.

"God bless," Gerard said. He closed the door behind him.

"Hey, where's Gerard gonna sleep?" Linda asked, passing Frank on his way to his room.

"With me? He's asexual, so I promise we won't do anything of that kind."

"Alright. I believe you. Make sure he's comfortable with that, and if he's not, we have that old blow up mattress."

"I'll ask him." Frank pulled his suitcase to his room.

Gerard was sitting on the couch with Linda when Frank came back downstairs. He settled down next to him.

"Gerard was just telling me that he's an excellent violin player," Linda said.

Gerard blushed and waved his hand. "I'm not that good."

"Don't be so modest," Frank said. "You're incredible."

"Stop." Gerard covered his face.

"Nope." Frank kissed his jaw.

"I'm gonna go make us some lunch," Linda said. "Frank, make sure you figure out sleeping arrangements. Gerard, any dietary restrictions?"

"I'm a vegetarian," Gerard said.

"Us too! I'll whip something up." Linda left the room.

"So..." Frank shifted into Gerard's lap. "Where do you wanna sleep?"

"What are my options?"

"You can sleep with me, or we have a blow up mattress you can use wherever. I feel like I should tell you that the air mattress will probably deflate in the middle of the night."

"I can sleep with you, if that's okay?" Gerard pressed soft kisses to Frank's jaw.

"That's okay. Mm." Frank closed his eyes. "I love when you kiss my jaw."

"Yeah?" Gerard sucked gently. "I love the little noises you make."

"Okay. Okay." Frank pulled away. "You're turning me on, and I don't wanna get hard in front of my mom."

"Excellent plan." Gerard pulled away.

Linda came back a few minutes later with a small plate of sandwiches. "Alright, boys, I have caprese sandwiches. Mozzarella, basil, and tomatoes."

They all took a sandwich.

"Where's Sweet Pea?" Frank asked.

"At the moment, she's outside. But when she comes back inside, I'm sure she's gonna want to see you."

They ate their sandwiches, making casual conversation. Linda got to know Gerard better, asking him things like what his parents did and where he was from. The look on her face when she found out that her son's boyfriend's dad was the star of her favorite movie was priceless.

"I think we could go out to dinner tonight," Linda said. "Somewhere kinda nicer. I got my paycheck recently."

"I could pay," Gerard said shyly. "I have plenty of money."

"Oh, no, honey, you don't have to do that. You already paid for Frank's plane ticket."

That shut Gerard up.

Linda got up to let Sweet Pea in when she started scratching at the door. Frank got on the floor so that she could run into his arms.

"I'd like to see you on your knees for something else," Gerard whispered.

Frank snorted and opened his arms for Sweet Pea as she came bounding into the room. "Sweet Pea!"

Her whole body was wiggling as she curled herself in to his arms.

"Is this the famous Sweet Pea?" Gerard sat on the floor beside Frank. Sweet Pea licked his hand. "Very nice to meet you."

Frank smiled. He'd missed every single thing about this.

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