Fifteen- Linda Was Really Thinking of Smacking Them

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Minor smut in this chapter I'll put these bois ** around it

Frank discovered that night that Gerard was not an easy sleeper. He took a melatonin pill that had about twenty grams in it, and when Frank asked about it, just said, "Drugs."

They were pressed together under the covers now, kissing and giggling at each other. The light was off, and moonlight was streaming in through the window, shining on their faces.

"You're so gorgeous," Gerard whispered, kissing Frank's neck. Frank sighed gently as Gerard rolled on top of him, still kissing lightly and sucking at his neck and shoulders. "I wanna mark you up."

Frank bit his lip. "Fuck, that's hot."

"Yeah?" Gerard sucked under Frank's jaw, making his cock twitch. "Am I turning you on?"

"Fuck- Gee-" Frank whimpered.

"You're so hot." Gerard pulled away. "Did I go too far? Do you need help or something, I can-"

"No, it's okay." Frank pulled Gerard back down close to him and kissed him. "It will go away, and if it doesn't, I'll go jerk off in the bathroom."

"That's downstairs. Walking downstairs with a boner is painful."

"My alternative is jerking off in here."

Gerard shrugged and kissed Frank's neck. "I wouldn't mind. It won't turn me on or anything."

"Well, if I want it to go away, then you have to stop kissing my neck."

Gerard rolled off of him and landed on the bed, making the springs creak. "Can we spoon?"

"Mhm. I'm gonna be the little spoon just so I don't end up doing regrettable things to your ass."

Gerard giggled and wrapped his arms around Frank, nuzzling into the back of his neck. "Regrettable things, huh?"

Frank shushed him.


Sweet Pea ended up waking the boys up in the morning. Well, she woke Gerard up, since Frank slept like a rock, who in turn woke Frank up by hitting him with a pillow and then very sweetly kissing him.

They trudged downstairs, sleep haired and bleary eyed, both yawning. Sweet Pea trotted behind them, and it was all Frank could do not to trip on her.

"I could hear you two giggling all night," Linda said. She was standing in front of the oven. "What was so funny?"

"Did you know Frank's the little spoon?" Gerard asked. Frank smacked him. They erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Ah, so you're just hopelessly crushing on each other. I see." Linda placed a plate of sausage looking things in front of them. "Gerard, these are totally meat free. They're our favorites. Help yourself."

"Thank you." Gerard smiled and picked one up.

Frank looked up guiltily, because Gerard was gently nibbling away on his, and he'd already eaten two and a half.

"What do you boys have planned today?" Linda asked.

Frank shrugged. "I could show you around town. Ooh! We could go Christmas shopping! Downtown has all these really cute shops- it's kinda like the town near Brimstone."

"Oh, cool," Gerard said. "No ice cream in December, I assume."

"No. But during the summer there's this great place."

"I'm still working today, so, Frank, let me get you some money and you guys can head out whenever you want. My car broke down and I am now using yours, so you'll have to take a bus or walk."

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