Twenty Four- Frank Brings a New Meaning to the Phrase "Eat the Rich"

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Yeah this a Porn Chapter smut will be marked with ** as usual

They are definitely both hardcore switches but Gerard tops in this chapter

Gerard led the way through the mansion in Florida, holding Frank's hand and politely greeting any staff as they made their way through the house.

"This place is fucking huge," Frank said.

"Unnecessarily so." Gerard turned onto another staircase, and Frank groaned. He giggled. "Last one. My room is at the top of the stairs."

"Can you carry me?"

"Absolutely not, you big baby. You walk up more steps than this at school."

"Yeah, but I don't have to walk down seven hallways."

"It's been four hallways." Gerard tugged Frank closer to him. "Come on, Frankie."

Frank sighed and followed Gerard up the stairs. "You should get an elevator installed."

"I'll talk to my parents about it." Gerard opened his bedroom door. "Voilà."

Frank raised his eyebrows. "Wow."

Gerard's room was huge, just like the rest of the house. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room, literally almost the size of Frank's bedroom at home. There were two doors on the far side of the room, which Gerard explained were a bathroom and closet. There was a loft above those which Frank couldn't see into from there.


Frank looked at Gerard. "Mhm?"

"You've been staring at my bed for two minutes. Do you wanna..."

"Oh. Oh! No, sorry, just...why is it so big, you're so small..."

"It's just comfy. Plus, we'll definitely have room to spread out. I know you like cuddling, but that may not be the only thing we use the bed for."

Frank raised his eyebrows. "I gave you a handjob last month."

"You did. But tomorrow is my birthday, and I like feeling..." Gerard shrugged and pulled Frank close to him. "You know. Special."

"You are special." Frank kissed him. "But if you wanna have sex, then I'm gonna make that the specialist thing in the world."

Gerard smiled. "I don't think specialist is the right word there."



"Fuck, you weren't kidding when you said this bed was squeaky." Frank shifted, trying to get away from the sticky heat of Gerard's body. The bed squeaked in protest.

"I know. This thing was a fucking trampoline for a good part of my life, Frankie." Gerard threw the blankets off and went to open a window. "Jesus fuck. When did Florida get so hot?"

"It's always been hot."

Gerard laid back down in bed and flipped his pillow over. "Go to sleep."

Frank did.


Frank woke up to Gerard straddling him and rocking his hips against him. "Hi?"


"Frankie, I'm so fucking horny," Gerard whined. "I-I don't know why- I just-"

"Hey, hey, calm down." Frank rested his hands gently on Gerard's ass and rubbed their hips together. Gerard moaned, thrusting desperately against Frank. "Shh. Calm down. Don't wanna make you cum yet."

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