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If I really think about it, just a year ago I was this misfit from Jersey. And look at me now.

There's this saying my mom likes that goes something like "Life is never perfect. It can't live up to your expectations the way people can" and I just have to say, I have proved that quote wrong.

Gerard is stressed a lot, but that's okay. I make him take breaks when he needs to, and he submits a lot of drawings of me for projects. His professors wanted to meet the famous model, so I went in with him today. One of them laughed and bought us lunch.

I honestly do think life is perfect. Even when we fight, which isn't often, we know that we love each other, and that we can make up by offering cuddles. We had angry sex for the first time last month, and it was so fucking hot, I might try to get him angry and horny at some other point so that he'll fuck me.

I did actually start a band. I made some friends, and we have a band called Pencey Prep, after the school from Catcher in the Rye, which Gerard made me read (I loved it). Gerard is at every one of our shows. It's like dating a cheerleader.

One thing we've talked a lot about as we're falling asleep is marriage. I don't think we're gonna get married anytime soon, to be honest. We're both still pretty young- we're both eighteen, so we can legally get married, but we think it's a good idea to wait anyways. Marriage isn't really going to change anything in our relationship, anyways. We already function like a married couple- Gerard comes home every day to eat lunch and cuddle/bother me before he goes to his last few classes. We wake up every morning and just hold each other for a while until he gets up to shower and I make us breakfast. On Fridays, we have pizza night, where we get pizza from the restaurant down the street (who have bomb ass pizza, actually, I'm surprised) and watch movies until we fall asleep on the couch.

We're so fucking domestic. I love it.

We're going to Paris for a bit during Christmas break so we can see our friends again. Clo said she has a ton of the latest drama from school for us, which I'm super excited to hear about. I'm excited to see Ray, too. He texted me all last night about how meeting Christa's parents went (really well, apparently). They're not living together yet, but they plan on moving in together in a year or two. I haven't heard much from Ryan yet. He likes to keep to himself, so I get that. I think he's working on music too, but like, super different from mine. I'm excited to hear about how that's going for him, though.

But seriously. Life with Gerard may not be the most conventional, but I love him so much. He's the light of my fucking life.

And I'm so glad to call him mine.

xo, Frank. 

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