Seventeen- Middle School Field Trip

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Frank woke up to Linda shaking him gently. The first thing he noticed was the cold. He shuddered and sank back into Gerard's warm embrace. "Mama?"

"Hey. I need you boys to get up and get dressed. You're coming to school with me for a bit."

"What? Why?"

"I didn't get the payment in for the heat in time. You're gonna freeze to death today."

"Can't we just hang out in town?"

"No, today is the holiday festival. Everyone is closed."

Gerard had begun waking up and nosing at Frank's neck. He made a sleepy noise and tightened his grip around Frank's waist. "'S cold."

"Yeah. Come on. Wake up." Frank nudged him.

Gerard shook his head.

"I'll let you boys get ready. We have half an hour, so wake up and get dressed. We can get breakfast at school."

"School?" Gerard mumbled, still half asleep. "Are we going back?"

"No, not yet." Frank squeezed his hand, which was resting on his stomach. "Wake up, I'll explain."

Gerard squeezed Frank tighter. "Wanna cuddle."

"We can cuddle later."

Linda left the room, and Frank steadily woke Gerard up with kisses.

"What's going on, Frankie?" Gerard asked, stifling a yawn.

"We don't have any heat in the house, so we're going to school with my mom. She teaches middle school, so try to dress like you're not a nerd."

"I am a nerd."

"I know. I don't wanna have to punt a child."

Gerard shook his head softly and walked over to his suitcase, shivering. He started undressing. "Holy shit."

Frank smiled and walked over to where his own clothes were. He got dressed and slipped on his leather jacket, then turned around. Gerard was bundled up in his coat, but he also had three sweatshirts on underneath that and leggings under skinny jeans.

"You cold, baby?" Frank walked over and rubbed his hands.

Gerard smiled. "Baby."

"Are you cold?" Frank repeated.

Gerard nodded.

"Alright. Come on." Frank led Gerard downstairs.

Linda was putting on her shoes and talking on her phone. "Ned, please, I need you to stop any staff from coming into my room today. Where else am I gonna put two teenage boys? ...Well, Frank is short, but he can't pass for middle school."

"That's reassuring," Frank said.

Linda rolled her eyes at him and gestured them out to the car.

"What about breakfast?" Gerard asked.

"We're gonna get it when we get there. Mom eats in the cafeteria every day, and when I went there at least she was really good friends with everyone. So the lunch ladies won't mind slipping her extra food for us."

"That's...sweet," Gerard said.

They got in the back of her car, since she'd thrown her work bag in the passenger seat. She was still on the phone, but backed out of the driveway anyways and started driving toward school.

"You're gonna get really hot really fast," Frank said.

"Mhm." Gerard peeled off his coat and handed it to Frank, then took off his sweatshirts and put his coat back on. "Better."

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