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This is almost o v e r

Quick note: when this is over (there's about 4 chapters left including Frank's journal entries) I'm going to be in publishing the stories I don't like. When this is finished, I'm going to start uploading my last story as well :)

So much has happened in the past few months.

I've barely had time to write, because we've had more tests, more classes, and the stress is just adding up. Ray is dating that girl Christa he met in Paris, and Ryan is our one single friend. Clo is single, too, but she keeps trying to go after this totally oblivious girl. I feel so bad for her.

Gerard gave me a promise ring- I thought he was proposing to me when he gave it to me, and he laughed so hard he fell over. He told me that it's so we know that we're meant to be. I told him that even when we get married, I'm still gonna wear it, and he cried (which I feel kinda bad about, but at least it was good crying?)

Mom got a promotion- she works for the school board now, and she bought me a new mattress. Finally, I can fuck without her knowing.

Not that I'll be doing much of that.

I haven't started looking at college. I should have, but I didn't. Gerard did. He wants to go to SVA, in New York, and he applied a month ago. I think he's getting his results soon. Everyone keeps telling me to apply, but I really just don't want to. Mom said it's okay if I don't, she just doesn't want me to waste away in the attic. I told her I wouldn't, and she seemed to believe me.

Gerard and I have been looking to move in together. We're looking for smaller apartments near SVA (which may change depending on if he gets in or not). I suggested we use his family's penthouse, and he just stared at me for a long time. He does that a lot nowadays. I'm not really sure why.

I don't really care where we live. I just wanna be able to wake up next to him every day, and do grossly domestic things with him like cook breakfast and kiss his cheek before he goes to school, and bring him dinner when he's working on projects too late and try to bribe him into bed with cuddles and massages. I don't care if we're in a building with paper thin walls and rats, as long as I'm with him, it'll be perfect. 

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