Eighteen- Lip Locked

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Frank woke up before Gerard the next morning. His arm was curled around his waist, and since Gerard was dead weight on him, he couldn't move. So, he just curled into his chest and sighed.

A while later, Gerard started walking up, which Frank could feel because his breathing changed and he shifted a little. After a few minutes of Gerard getting accustomed to being conscious, he flipped them over. Frank squeaked as he was pinned under Gerard. "H-hi."

"Hi." Gerard laid down on top of Frank and kissed him, sliding their lips together and getting a taste of his tongue. He pulled away only when he absolutely had to to get a breath.

Frank panted under him. "One."

"Not gonna lie, you look kinda hot panting under me."

"Are you horny?"

"No. I woke up hard like two days ago, that's probably gonna be the last time for like three months."

"Oh. Damn."

"I can still remark on your hotness, though." Gerard leaned down to kiss him again but stopped himself. He frowned and sat back up.

Frank wiggled his eyebrows. Gerard laughed and rolled off of him, colliding with the mattress and making the springs squeak. "Your mattress is so creaky."

"I've had it for twenty years."

"You're eighteen."

"It used to be my parent's. Technically I've only had it for about fifteen years. My parents got a new mattress, and my mom still has that one." Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck. "None of your mattresses squeak? Not even the one at Brimstone?"

"That one does, a little, and the one on my bed in Florida does too. Mikey and I used to jump on my bed down there when we were little, though, so it's safe to say some of the springs are worn out."

"Is it louder than this one?"

"I don't know, honestly. I haven't been there in a while."

"Well, this one is squeaky as hell. I accidentally fucked a girl on here once while my mom was home. She knew."


"Yeah, yikes. I got yelled at for like an hour."

Gerard snuggled into Frank's neck. "What are we doing today?"

"I was thinking about going to the holiday festival."

"It's open? I thought it was just yesterday."

"Nope! It's open until New Year's. Yesterday was the first day, and everyone in town shuts down to go. All the small businesses and stuff have booths set up to sell things and promote business. It's really fun! At night, they light a giant menorah if it's in season for Hanukkah, which I think it is this year-"

"It's the third day of Hanukkah, yeah."

"Yeah. So they'll do that, and then they have Christmas lights and bands and stuff playing. It's really fun!"

"That does sound fun. We should go. I need to spoil you, anyways."

"Shut up. You're not spoiling me."

"Frankie, I can do whatever the fuck I want with my money. If I choose to spend it on my boyfriend, then so be it."

Frank rolled his eyes. "I hate you."

"No you don't."

"No, I don't." Frank rubbed their noses together.

They got up and dressed, then took Sweet Pea for a short walk and made their way downtown. Frank was regretting not wearing a heavier jacket. He was shivering by the time they got to the park the festival was at. Gerard noticed this and held his jacket open a bit. Frank tucked himself beside Gerard, pressing up against his warm body.

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