Twenty One- Fever Dream

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Hey yall, I just got my First Ever Job. Unfortunately it's at this place I go camping which is three hours away from my house, and my brother still has school on Monday, so I probably won't have time to update on Sunday. If I don't, I'll update twice on Monday :)

Smut will be marked with **

As soon as exams were announced, Frank's brain went into lockdown mode.

Nope. He could not do this. Time to drop out.

"I'm gonna mess up," he mumbled at his toast that morning.

"Mess up what?" Ray asked.

"Exams?" Frank said. They'd been fucking his mind over for the past few weeks.

"Frank. We took exams yesterday."

Frank blinked. "Oh. Oh."

"Are you feeling alright?" Clo asked.

"Not really."

Ray felt the back of his forehead. "Uh, you're burning up. You should go to the nurse."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Frank stood up and sat back down. "Nope."

Ray stood up and grabbed Frank around the waist. "We're getting you to the nurse."

Frank followed him, trying not to let his knees give out. It was a tough competition. "What month is it?"

"Late January. Are you sick a lot?"

"Yeah. Like...a lot. Really sick."

Ray sighed. "Of course."

Frank was whisked away at the nurse's office. They took his temperature- the nurse's eyebrows shot up, which Frank did not take as a good thing. He was given some pills which he was told to take in his dorm and then got sent back to his dorm.

"You're a really good friend," Frank mumbled as Ray helped him across the commons.

"Just doing what I need to. How come you can't take the pills yet?"

"I think they're supposed to make me...woozy? Or high. Oh man, I haven't been high in forever."

"Yikes. Okay. I'm gonna lock you in."

"Please don't. I won't go anywhere, I just get horny when I'm high. So ignore it if I have a boner when you come back."

Ray sighed.

Frank settled into bed and took the pills. They made him really tired, and he was asleep before his head even hit the pillow.



Frank woke up to see Gerard lying on top of him, stroking his hair. "Hi? Shouldn't you class, or something?"

"Probably." Gerard sat up and started grinding his hips on Frank gently. Frank groaned; he wasn't kidding when he said he got horny when he was high. "But I think it's more fun to be with you."

"Fuck me," Frank mumbled, closing his eyes.

He didn't remember them taking their clothes off, but Gerard was sliding inside of him suddenly, and Frank was crying out. They rocked together on the mattress, Gerard biting along Frank's neck and panting in his ear. Frank scratched at his back.

"God, Frank," Gerard whispered. He bit down on Frank's neck, and his hips bucked up. "Fuck..."


Something slapped the side of Frank's face. He blinked his eyes open. Gerard was not inside of him, but he was sitting on top of him.

"I thought you were dead or something."

Frank groaned. "Fuck."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm hard."

"I know." Gerard leaned down and kissed him. "You want me to stay here while you jerk off?"

"What about class?"

"It's lunchtime." Gerard squinted. "Are you high?"

Frank smiled. "Yeah."


"Pills for a fever or somethin'. I passed out as soon as I took them." Frank touched his cheek. "Am I talking?"

"Yes you are."

Frank rocked his hips. He moaned. "Fuck, I'm hard."

"I know, Frank. We've already talked about this."

Frank reached up for Gerard. He pulled him down close and thrust up against his leg.

"Are you really humping my leg?" Gerard mumbled in Frank's ear.

Frank just moaned.

"I'm gonna let you jerk off, okay?" Gerard sat up and scooted off the bed, unintentionally rubbing his ass against Frank. The shorter boy whimpered in pleasure. "Do what you need to do."

Frank stared at Gerard for a long time.

"God, I don't want you to be high ever again." Gerard pressed his lips to Frank's forehead. "Your fever seems to have gone down. That's good. You should definitely stay here for the rest of the day, though."

Frank groaned. "Don't leave me!"

"I'm not leaving yet. I have half an hour left."

"Cuddle with me," Frank begged.


Gerard sighed and swept Frank up in his arms. Frank pushed his hips against him softly and just a little bit pathetically, so he slid his leg between Frank's and let him have his way with it.

Frank moaned and ground against his leg, kissing and sucking at Gerard's neck. "Gee..."

Gerard rubbed his back and pulled his hips hard against his thigh. "You're like a damn dog."

Frank's back arched. "Ah-"


"Now I have to change," Gerard murmured. 

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