Strange Happenings

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It was just another day since Max had come back to Blackwell. It had only been a week,and already she had a daily routine. Today however it just felt different as everyone and everything just seemed so off. "Remember everyone your projects are due tomorrow," Mr.Jefferson said as Max snapped back to paying attention. "Victoria and Max remember I'll need you all to go to tonight's play to take photos," he said as Max sighed a bit forgot she had to do that. The rest of the class they all worked on whatever they had to until the bell finally rang. Max got up smiling a bit as she walked over to Kate who was just looking out the window. "Hey Kate you doing alright?" she asked as Kate looked at her smiling. "Yeah Max I'm fine. Thank you for asking," she said before Max walked away. Sighing Max put in her earbuds walking down the hallway wanting to ignore everyone. Blackwell students we're definitely not the nicest people to say the least. They were usually loud and obnoxious,but some of the people were nice. Of course the most annoying were the Vortex girls like Victoria Chase. They usually hung out in groups along with the schools resident actress Rachel Ambers. Max had never really ever talked to or even had a interaction with Rachel before,but she was fine to keep it that way. Now that she was thinking about it that would probably change tonight if she was taking pictures for the play. Max entered the bathroom just looking to be alone for a while. Taking a deep breath she looked at herself in the mirror when suddenly Rachel Ambers walked in. Max looked at her then quickly looked away as she didn't want to talk to her. "Hey you're umm was it Max? Yeah! You're the photographer everyone has been talking about," Rachel said walking over to her. "I... I umm guess that's me," she said laughing awkwardly as Rachel chuckled a bit. "Listen Max I got some business with someone that's gonna go down in a couple of minutes in here,so you might want to head out," Rachel said smirking as Max just nodded quickly walking out. Rachel laughed a bit leaning back against the wall. "God she's just adorable," she said in a bit of a mocking way as she looked down seeing a couple of text from Chloe Price. "Oh shit," she said to herself quickly texting back before her business partner walked in. It was about one in the afternoon,so Max was happy she didn't have much more of this to deal with today. About twenty minutes passed before the intercom system booted up. "Max Caulfield please report to the principal's office," the voice said as Max's eyes widened wondering what this was all about. Warren a friend Max had made since she'd been back looked over at Max who just shrugged as she walked out of the classroom. "Max you didn't do anything. I'm sure it's just something involving photography," she thought to herself as she walked to the office. Taking a deep breath she walked in seeing the assistant who nodded to the door. Max gave a small smile showing a sarcastic thanks. Walking in she saw Nathan Prescott and Rachel Ambers sitting in front of Wells' desk. "Ms Caulfield I've called you in here today for a very important question," he said as Max nodded stepping closer. "You see these two were in the woman's bathroom as it reeked of marijuana. It was shown on the cameras that as soon as Rachel entered the restroom quickly running out," Wells said as Max gulped a bit now realizing how serious this was. "However we never saw Mr Prescott enter. Question is was he in there when you walked in?" he asked as Max looked at both of them. Rachel suddenly stood up "Wells the pot was all Nathan's I mean Max saw me. She knows I didn't have anything like that even on me," she said as Nathan jumped up. "Wow! What? That's such bullshit!" he yelled out as Wells stood up slowly smacking his desk causing all three students to jump. "Now Ms.Caulfield can you support Ms Amber's claims," he said as Max started to feel light headed. Suddenly a blue butterfly landed on the principal's desk as everything began spinning. Max opened her eyes seeing herself back in the restroom looking herself in the mirror. Looking down at her phone Max saw it looked like time had been reversed. At that moment she stopped seeing Rachel walk in the bathroom. "Hey you're umm was it Max? Yeah! You're the photographer everyone has been talking about," Rachel said walking over to her. Max stumbled back a bit as she had no clue what the fuck was happening. "Yeah I'm Max," she said knowing how this conversation would go. "Listen Max I got..." before she could finish Max grabbed her bag and walked out the door. "Hmm she's interesting," Rachel said to herself looking down at her phone. Max meanwhile went on the day until it was right back to Wells' office with almost the same scenario playing out. Except for this time Max had a answer "Rachel was completely clean when I saw her,and Nathan wasn't in there to my knowledge," she said as Rachel smirked looking back at Max. "Ms Ambers you are free to go,but I will be making a call home," Wells said as Rachel walked out. "Max you're free to go as well. Thank you for your help," Wells said as Max walked out the office immediately seeing Rachel. "Caulfield you fucking rule!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air excitedly. "Thanks I guess," Max responded looking down at the ground as Rachel smirked putting her hand on her hips. "Hey before the play tonight go to the American Rust Junkyard I got someone I want you to meet," Rachel said as Max nodded. "I'll see if I can be there," she said as Rachel nodded. "Hey I owe you one Caulfield," Rachel said walking away pointing at Max who just laughed a bit. Max went about the rest of the day spending the entire time what the hell even happened or how she even did it.

Ok so you may be thinking "what that is how she got powers?" and yep. Don't worry the powers aren't the main focus of the story anyway.

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