No Care

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Rachel POV:
Tonight was going to be another show stealing night when I walked out on that stage. Looking myself in the mirror I smirked knowing confidence was key. Turning I saw Chloe sitting in my chair looking down at her phone. "You know maybe you should join me on stage like you did so long ago," I said smiling remembering the Tempest. "Please my acting skills all got used for that one time," she said as I laughed a bit. "Hey Rachel what are we going to do if some Hollywood agency comes down and wants to make you a offer? I mean I know we've always talked about getting out of here, but would you take me with you?" Chloe asked as I rolled my eyes. "You're being ridiculous. I'm not going anywhere without you Chloe," I said giving her a reassuring smile. Suddenly that ear piercing voice came in the room as Victoria walked in. "Alright let's get ready for the photo party," she said as I turned to face the mirror once again. Don't get me wrong I hung out with Victoria,but it wasn't like she was my friend friend. "Chloe just try and stay out of the way. Don't won't my photos showing the local pot head," Victoria said as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Victoria we don't need you to take her picture," Chloe said walking out of the tent.

Chloe POV:
Fuck Victoria and all those Vortex bitches except for Rachel of course.Simple I'll find a photographer that was less annoying then Victoria,and show her she's replaceable. It was almost the perfect timing as I saw exactly what I was looking for. Walking over to her I knew we had issues,but having Max around was less annoying then Victoria. "Mad Max congratulations you are Rachel's personal photographer tonight," I said as she looked up at me with shock in her face. "Isn't Victoria doing that?" Max asked as I rolled my eyes. I grabbed her arm leading her into Rachel's little tent thing. "Beat it Victoria, this is Rachel's photographer," I said as Max waved. "Bullshit, I've always been the one who does Rachel's pictures," she said as Rachel turned to us. "You know maybe it's time for Max to do one," she said as I smirked seeing Victoria in disbelief. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out," I said flipping her off as Victoria stormed out. "Do your thing Max," I said waving around the room doing some dumb intro thing. "Thanks," she said as I sat down closing my eyes as this would take a while. Almost immediately after closing my eyes my I saw myself kissing Max. I sat up shaking my head a bit as Rachel gave me a worried look through the mirror. "Don't worry just didn't wanna fall asleep," I said chuckling awkwardly. Standing up I pulled out my pack of cigarettes before walking out of the tent.

Max POV:
"You know Max I think Chloe is warming up to you again," Rachel said as I shrugged a bit. "Earlier she called me mad Max so maybe," I said before taking a picture. "I've been dating Chloe for a good while now,and she doesn't have a nickname for me," she said as my eyes widened a bit. "Wait did you say Chloe is your girlfriend?" I asked wanting to make sure I heard that right. "I mean I figured it was obvious by her saying that stuff about me replacing you," she said in a way that sounded kind of rude. "I figured she just meant you two were good friends like me and her were," I said taking another picture as Rachel turned to face me smirking. "One thing you'll learn about this school Max is that the girls here love to get to know each other. Now,it's showtime," she said as I blushed a bit at what she said as I took a few more pictures as she walked out of the room. Sighing I watched as she walked up on the stage leaving the photos to other students. What did she mean by what she said? I mean I've always been into guys and girls,but being in a dorm house full of girls that hooked up with each other was a lot to take in. Shaking my head a bit I looked down towards the parking lot seeing Chloe leaning against her truck. Next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder as Rachel chuckled a bit. "Hey tell Chloe I'm going out with the Vortex after the show," she said before running back on stage.

Chloe POV:
Taking one last puff of my cigarette I tossed it down to the ground before stomping it out. Looking up I saw Max walking down the stairs to the parking lot. Why wasn't she taking pictures of the play,and why was she walking over to me? "Caulfield what the hell are ya doing?" I asked remembering her to leave me alone. "Rachel wanted me to tell you she's going out with Vortex after the show," she said as I rolled my eyes. "In that case I'm out of here," I said opening the truck door before hesitation set in. "Hey mad Max,do you need a ride?" I asked not knowing what I was doing. She smiled a bit before walking over to the passenger side getting in. "I never would've guess you were dating Rachel. Does she usually hang out with Vortex after plays?" Max asked as I knew exactly what they did. Rachel had definitely cheated on me before,and was going to do it again tonight. You know what fuck it if Rachel gets to do all this crazy shit why don't it? "Max,I don't care anymore," I said as she looked at me tilting her head. Immediately I kissed Max deeply scooting to the middle seat before pulling her onto my lap. Max clearly didn't hesitate to kiss back,and damn she was good at it. Tonight was going to be "hella" fun as I threw everything with Rachel out as she clearly didn't care.

—Chapter End—

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