Rewinding Evil

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Max POV:
How could I tell Chloe what I did? Going back to see the reaction if Rachel jumped then rewinding it. Shaking my head I had to shake out the thoughts like that. "Hey you going to be cool?" Chloe asked as we were on the way to see Rachel. "I'm...I'm cool," I said giving her a reassuring smile before looking out the window. Part of me wanted Rachel out of the picture,so it could just be me and Chloe. However if Rachel did jump Chloe would probably be fucked up from it. What was I thinking? Would I really let Rachel jump off that roof just to have Chloe for myself? I've never thought of fucked up stuff like this before,so why now? Shaking my head I rested it against the window as Chloe continued to drive. "I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty nervous about all this," Chloe said giving a awkward chuckle. "Don't be I'm sure Rachel will be happy to see you," I said rolling my eyes a bit. "Hey do you mind if we stop by my house for a second? I kind of want to give Rachel some of her stuff back," Chloe said as I shrugged. Sitting in silence the entire way we finally arrived at Chloe's house. "Come on Max," she said smacking my leg playfully before getting out of the truck. "No one is here,so we shouldn't get held up," Chloe said as we walked in the door. She ran up the stairs as I walked into the kitchen with a smirk rushing across my face.

Chloe POV:
I packed Rachel a bag of her clothes before running back downstairs seeing Max standing by the door. "I see someone is eager to go," I said teasingly before opening the door for her. "After you my queen," I said causing her to blush a bit as she walked out the door. Shaking off some nerves I got back in the truck looking over at Max. She has been acting really weird since the whole Rachel incident. Maybe it was just stress or worry,but if she wanted to talk I'd listen. "Chloe you know I love you right?" Max asked as a blush rushed across my face. "Trust me Max I love you a lot more," I said smirking a bit. "We will see," she said with a weird tone in her voice. "Hey about that stuff I said on the roof with Rachel. I really want it just to be us, but she's going to need some help for a while," I said knowing she must be in a rough place. "Why did you stay with Rachel for so long?" Max asked tilting her head looking at me. I paused for a minute truthfully knowing it was because it just felt nice to have someone there. "I was lonely," I said before shaking my head knowing we were getting closer to Rachel's house. "Max..if I say anything in there you don't agree with don't be scared to bring it up," I said softly knowing my emotions often took over my words.

Rachel POV:
Taking a deep breath I opened my curtains as the sun came beaming in. I'll admit I'm glad I didn't jump from the roof,but I also wondered if life would be back to normal after. My room was like something for a baby with anything that was sharp-ish being removed. I've had a couple of visitors from teachers to other students,but I was still waiting for Chloe and Max. Without those two I would've jumped I...owe them my life. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door that made me jump a bit. "Rachel, you have a visitor," my dad said opening the door. In the doorway stood Kate Marsh holding some notebook in her hand. "H..hi Rachel. I heard about what happened,and what happened to me wasn't your fault. Since you told the therapist everything she told the police about Nathan,and now he's likely going away," she said with a small smile on her face. I walked over hugging Kate close as I know I would never forgive myself for what happened to her. "I could've stopped him Kate," I said as she hugged back patting my back. "Rachel I don't blame you. You just stopped Nathan possibly saving more people," she said as we broke the hug. "I brought you this. It's just a notebook with some stuff people in school wrote supporting you," she said handing me the book. Taking it I smiled a bit knowing things wouldn't be so bad now that Kate forgave me. "I have to go now Rachel. I just wanted to give you the book,and let you know I forgive you for it all," she said before walking out the door.

Max POV:
Walking down the hallway Kate walked past us as she must've just seen Rachel. "I'm glad you are here," Rachel's dad said before opening the door. "Hey Rachel," Chloe said softly as we walked in her Dad closing the door behind us. "I'm so glad you all came!" Rachel exclaimed before hugging both of us clearly glad to see us. "Gosh when I get out of here I can't wait to hang out won't you all again," she said smiling as she broke the hug. Chloe sat down with Rachel on the bed as I sat down on the desk chair. "I'm sorry I don't have anything more comfortable Max. I can always move if you want," Rachel said as I shook my head. "Please don't worry about me," I said as her and Chloe begin talking. After what felt like a eternity Chloe stood up hugging Rachel goodbye. "Say goodbye for now Max. I mean we will be back sometime real soon," Chloe said before walking over to the door. "Hey...can I have a minute alone with Rachel?" I asked lookin at Chloe who nodded before walking out the door. "Hey Max I'm sorry if I put myself between you two," Rachel said as I chuckled a bit reaching into my book bag. "Thank you so much for what you did Max. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you," she said as I giggled a bit. "Don't thank me yet," I said before placing a kitchen knife into the desk. "See you around Rachel,and don't come between Chloe and me again," I said smirking before walking out the door. Shaking my head I rewinded time to when Chloe was telling my to say goodbye. " goodbye Rachel. Glad you are still here," I said putting on a fake smile before walking out with Chloe.

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