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Max POV:
We ran down the streets trying to get to Rachel before anything bad could happen to her. What could happen to her could kill the entire town. "Come on Max we can't stop now," Chloe said as we were now running to Rachel's house. She would probably stop by there first to grab some money for what was about to go down. Chloe spoke with clear worry in her voice as she was worried about Rachel more than anyone. Her truck had run out of gas,and that's why we were running for it. I had managed to text a couple people asking them to stop Rachel if they saw her. Looking down at my phone I didn't see any text saying they had seen Rachel. "It's just up ahead," Chloe said as Rachel's house came into view. "Rachel!" Chloe yelled out as a car could be seen pulling out of the driveway. "Chloe, it's just her parents," I said having seen the people in the car. "We still have time then," Chloe said as we ran up to the front door. "Go check around back," she said after trying to open the door only to find out it was locked. I ran around the back trying to open that door only for it to be locked. Walking back to the front of the house I saw the window to her room open. "We could try her window," I said going around to the front only to see Chloe had managed to break the lock on the front door. "God damn it," I said walking in the house seeing Chloe basically running around the house. "Rachel? Come on," Chloe said before running up the stairs with me following after. Opening the door to her room you could see the hope Chloe had fade as it was clear we didn't make it on time.

Rachel POV:
Everything was dark as I opened my eyes not being able to see anything around me. All I could hear was the sound of a car as I tried to move my hands. They had been tied together along with my feet as it was clear I had been taken. Prescott stabbed me in the back as it was clear he was the one responsible for this. My heart started to race even more as I heard the car stop. If I was going to die it would probably be right here. Light beamed through the bag that was on my head as I felt a pair of hands grab me. "Come on Rachel just don't make this hard on yourself," the voice of Nathan Prescott said as I fell to the ground. "Just know I didn't want to do this,but you and those two other idiots forced our hands," he said meaning he wasn't acting alone on this. Not even trying to fight back I was dragged along eventually hearing what sounded like a metal door open. "Come on we have to get her in here fast," a familiar voice said as it was Mr Jefferson the photography teacher. Part of me wanted to laugh as why would they be doing this to me. "Go ahead and sit her down. Rachel Ambers the perfect star for our little shoot," he said as I heard another door open. "Am I still getting my pay after this?" Nathan asked as he sat me down. "Of course, now take the bag off her head," he said as finally I was able to see. "Welcome Ms. Ambers," Jefferson said as we were in some sort of bunker. Looking around it appeared he had sat up some sort of photo studio with Nathan. "Remove the gag," he said as Nathan ripped the tape off my mouth making me jump a bit. "Where am I?" I asked as Jefferson begin to laugh a bit. "Rachel just do us both a favor and shut up," he said setting up a camera. "You really don't think people are coming to find me right now?" I asked as he sighed nodding at Nathan. "Sorry Rachel," he said before his punch connected with my gut. Wincing in pain I begin to cough a bit slouching over before Nathan sat me up. "Let's get started,"Jefferson said as Nathan walked out of the way for this sick fuck to take his pictures. "Hmm I'm liking it,but now we need some action shots," he said as Nathan walked over with a tray of objects. I took a deep breath as he walked over holding a pipe. "Around the neck," Jefferson said as Nathan put the pipe against my neck as he stood behind me. "Pull," Jefferson said as he begin to choke me with the pipe before the photo was taken. "Good deal," he said as Nathan let go. "Rachel honey don't do that," Jefferson said as tears ran down my face. "Fuck you," I said gritting my teeth as I didn't know how long this would go on for. It felt like days as they beat me verbally and physically taking those pictures of me. However they never hit me in the face,but if I dared cried they just hit me more. "Nathan go ahead and wrap up here you know the drill. Do whatever you want as long as you dose her after," Jefferson said grabbing his bag before walking out the door. "Rachel Ambers the pain in my ass. You totally ditched me for two lesbian bitches,and now I think it's time for me to get what I deserve," he said as I took a deep breath. "Nathan whatever you do to me here now just know I forgive you for it," I said as his eyes widened a bit. "Don't try that shit on me! You aren't shit! Bitches like you can be found by the dozen," he said grabbing me by the back of the head. "Prescott, no one out there is like me," I said smiling a bit as outside a large crash could be heard from inside "Whatever you say," he said as I closed my eyes knowing what he was going to do to me. Chloe and Max, I'm sorry about all of this, but you all know what's coming. Just leave town because I can't control what is coming next.

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