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Max POV:
God what was I doing going to some junkyard Rachel Ambers told me about? I was probably walking into some Vortex prank,but maybe it wasn't. Rachel could've been serious about owing me one. Looking up I saw the sun rest above the junkyard which was very beautiful. Taking out my camera I aimed it right at the perfect angle showing rays beam down at the junkyard. Smiling I took the photo lowering the camera down. "Never miss a chance for a picture do you?" I heard a voice say from behind me making me jump. Turning around I saw it was just Rachel standing there with her arms crossed. "I try not to," I said laughing a bit making it seem awkward at least to me. "You know Max you're weird,but in a good way," she said as it was a weird compliment. "Oh um thanks," I said shrugging a bit as she laughed wrapping a arm around my shoulder. "Come on I'll show you around," she said leading me into the junkyard. "Hey Max wait before we should go in do you know Chloe Price?" she stopped looking over at me. "Yeah we used to be best friends before I moved to Seattle. Why?" I asked as she looked down her eyes widening a bit. "Rachel who are you talking to?" I heard a voice that sounded familiar yell out from the back of some old truck. "Shit, Max this probably will be awkward," Rachel said as my eyes widened seeing her.

Chloe POV:
The world seemed to stop seeing that face of Max fucking Caulfield. "Rachel what the fuck?" I asked looking at Rachel who had her arm around Max. "Surprise? Listen Chloe I'm sorry I didn't know it was that Max," she said walking closer to me. I couldn't believe it was really Max. I mean when did she even get back, and when did she have time to meet Rachel? Suddenly I snapped back to reality as Rachel put her hand on my shoulder,but instinctively I jerked back. "Chloe this could be good for you. I mean healing a old emotional wound like that could help," Rachel said as I shook my head. "I have nothing wrong with me. I mean sure I have a attitude,but I don't need to be fucking fixed," I said hurt she was saying I need help. Stumbling back a bit I clinched my fist as I looked down at the ground with all these emotions rushing to my head. "Rachel, if this is some sort of prank it's not fucking funny," I said sticking my hand up in front of me. Rachel looked at Max and then back at me which made me get angrier. "Max when did you even come back? Why the fuck didn't you say anything to me?" I basically yelled at her as she looked down at the ground. Next thing I knew Rachel was in between us putting her hands in the air. "Listen,why don't we try to patch it all up," she suggested looking at me. "Don't stare at me! Max is the one who never fucking called or messaged when I needed her," I said hating every second of this.

Rachel POV:
Taking a deep breath I looked down at the ground before looking back at Max. "Max why didn't you just message or call?" I asked as she shook her head looking down. "Come on Max we have to get you to past this," I said in a reassuring tone. "I just didn't know what to say. I..I just had to move on from Arcadia Bay," she said as we were making progress now. "Chloe, I want you to calmly say how that all made you feel," I said as she rolled her eyes. "Fuck this," she said throwing her hands in the air. Chloe begin walking off as I looked back at Max not knowing what to do. "Max why didn't you message or call?" I asked as she seemed to stand tall looking over at Chloe. "Truth is I wanted to forget everything about Arcadia Bay. I know it was terrible of me to do especially when you needed me,but I didn't choose to leave," she said as I nodded. I'll admit that was hella impressive of her to step up and own it all like that. "Chloe, she admits to doing a bad thing. Now I want you just to let it all out. Say everything," I said knowing it was a big risk letting Chloe Price off the chain like that.

Chloe POV:
A smirk rushed to my face as I stood up properly and put my hand on my side. "Fine I'll let everything out,but when I hurt little Max's feelings don't blame me.Max the truth is I was jealous you got out of Arcadia first,but I also hate you for ditching me without even saying goodbye. I wrote to you in a journal everyday for a good long while until Rachel kicked me out of that habit. You were going to be my first mate on our pirate journey,but you've been kicked to the curb by Rachel fucking Ambers," I said letting out a sigh as that was nice. Max just stood there closing her eyes which was kind of pissing me off as it looked like she barely cared. "Max do you have anything to say to that?" Rachel asked as Max nodded a tear rolling down her cheek. "Chloe, I know you hate me,and likely never want to see me. If that's what you want I'll leave now,and we won't ever see each other again. You have every right to hate me," she said as now I felt like a asshole. "You can hang around Rachel just not me," I said before walking away back to the shed in the middle of the junkyard.

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