Unexpected Save

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Dark topics ahead! Don't read if you do not handle them well.

Rachel POV:
Ever since the little incident between Chloe and Max took place yesterday I hadn't heard anything from Chloe,but Max was the talk of the town. In every class I heard people talking about tons of different rumors from Max joining the Vortex club to crazy ones like she kicked Chloe's ass. I was walking into the dormitory building seeing it looked pretty empty. Taking out my phone I sighed seeing Chloe never messaged me back. Just as I begin to feel sadness take over the rain begin to pour down. Knowing my emotions could change the weather was something I never wished happened to me. Running my hand on the wall I turned the corner seeing Victoria outside of my room. "Rachel, hey I wanted to talk to you about something," she said all smiles as I walked over. "Can it wait or is it like important?" I asked truthfully not wanting to talk. "It's about letting Max into the Vortex Club," she said as I rolled my eyes opening my door. "I'm sure the last thing Max wants is to be in the same club as Rachel Ambers," I said before shutting the door in Victoria's face. "Rachel,keep it up," Victoria said as I could hear her storming off. Grabbing my phone I called Chloe,but once again no answer. I haven't worried this much about her in a long time as I was just hoping she wasn't doing what I was thinking. Grabbing my bag I ran out the door hoping I could get there in time. Running out into the school yard people watched probably assuming the worst about me. I turned a corner running into someone hitting the ground soon after. "Shit,I'm so sorry," I said getting up seeing it was Kate. "It's fine. I'm ok," she said standing up as I helped her. "Hey someone was just telling me you were looking for me," she said in that soft voice of hers. "I do have to talk to you about something,but that'll have to wait. I have to go," I said giving her a smile before running past her. "Chloe Price you saved my ass,and now I guess I'm saving yours," I thought to myself as I was hoping my fear wasn't coming true.

Chloe POV:
"I loved you both,but fuck was it stupid too," I said watching the fire burn the book. All these letters I wrote to Max while she was in Seattle meant nothing now. Just like most people Max was sucked away into Vortex leaving people like me all alone. Shaking my head I reached into the bag next to me pulling out a cigarette. "I guess it should be here soon," I said to myself jumping up slowly walking over to the train tracks. Slowly I laid down on the tracks just waiting for it to come. No one cares about a loser like me,so it was all coming down to this. Putting in my earbuds I turned on the Firewalk song I heard with Rachel at that concert when I first thought maybe she was the one. Closing my eyes I let the music flow over me as I could feel the tracks begin to shake a bit meaning the train was near. "Are you ready for me?" I asked myself smirking as I opened my eyes. Standing up I looked seeing the train as it begin blowing its horn. "Come on fucker!" I yelled out holding out my arms as the time was nearly here. Suddenly the world begin to move as I felt myself being pulled away. I fell to the ground off the tracks as I looked to see who pulled me away from it. I clinched my fist as we both stood up. "What the fuck! You had no right to do that Warren!" I yelled at him as he shook his head. "Chloe I can't just let you do die," he said as the train went past us. Shaking my head I walked past him shoving him a bit. "You had no fucking right to take that way from me. Besides we've never hardly talked why would you save my ass?" I asked as he sighed. "The world still has good people Chloe, but some of them are just corrupted," he said as I rolled my eyes. "I know what you want now. Guess what Warren? Max never loved you like you love her. Love is just a fucking hoax anyway," I said turning away. "I don't care if Max doesn't love me. What about Rachel? I mean it's clear she loves you," he said as I shook my head. "Fuck off Warren," I said slowly as I begin walking away from him.

Max POV:
I walked out of the diner waving goodbye to Joyce as it was always nice to see her. Turning my head I saw Rachel running down the street. I walked out in front of her sticking my hands up causing her to stop. "Rachel what's wrong?" I asked as she panted a bit. "Don't have time to explain it all just come with me," she said as she begin running. Shrugging I begin running after her no clue where we were going or why. Eventually I could hear a bit of yelling and a train as we arrived at the junkyard. "Fuck off Warren," was all I could hear from what was definitely Chloe. Popping around the corner I saw Warren was standing a fair bit behind Chloe. "Warren what are you doing here?" I asked tilting my head as immediately seeing me Chloe rolled her eyes. Rachel ran over hugging Chloe immediately as something was up. "Am I the only one who smells smoke and has no clue what's going on here?" I asked raising a eyebrow. "I'll show you Max," Chloe said with a smirk that had trouble all over it was she walked over to me.

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